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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Might be too new. I see the 820 listed. The 822 I think just debuted earlier this year.
  2. What a nice surprised to turn to epsn.com and see us winning.
  3. 6 pitch first at bat isn't a bad start for Peetey.
  4. So, here is a question. Since Blanton caused the error himself, is it still an unearned run?
  5. Nice glove there ace. Could have gotten out of this inning.
  6. Or did I hear that wrong, and they were just comparing Salmon and Downing. Crap Blanton. Not a good start.
  7. Wow. Tim Salmon leads the Angels in game winning homers with 6. Brian Downing is at 5. Mark Trumbo is already at 4.
  8. Maybe check out the used market. Might not be able to get a galaxy s4, but still might be able to get a good one. Also, look into seeing what you can get for your phone used. Maybe the difference between how much you can get for you phone and a used/refurbished phone is something you could live with.
  9. Hey now. Who knows. Maybe they were trying to blow up the train to see if anyone walks away unscratched. Anyone? Anyone?
  10. Steven Spielberg 51 titles to his directing credit. 1. Jaws 2. Indiana Jones 3. ET 4. Saving Private Ryan 5. The Blues Brothers. Can I help you?
  11. If I'm paying that much, I'd like a better answer than it might be water resistant. I'll stick to my tag and know that when I dive, I'll know if I have air left.
  12. I believe, the big difference is Constitution and laws of the US, vs International law. Mainly laws of war. For instance, I believe in Laws of War, you can detain someone as long as the war is going on without trial. Where as in the US, the accused has the right to a speedy trial.
  13. Hi my name is Gotbeer. I am a miseryaholic. I've been off of misery for 3 days. I take it one day at a time, even switching channels when needed. Luckily my miseryaholicness has been distracted by the Quackaholic meetings.
  14. Will be interesting to hear the details. Was it a US target, or Canadian?
  15. FYI. In California, this is how the scalping law reads right now I believe. http://law.onecle.com/california/penal/346.html
  16. Naw. It was clear from spring training that he had a different approach to his at bats. His hands looked higher, and his swing a bit more compact. IMO, he went into spring trying to make more contact so that his K rate would go down, and hopefully his slump of the second half wouldn't be as long. All players go through slumps, his was just soooo long. Now I didn't think he HR drought would last all spring. And that was a bit worrying. But it seems all his work has paid off so far.
  17. No. But here is a question for you all. If the older brother survived. Would you treat the older brother as an enemy combatant?
  18. Since he's an American citizen, I can understand why. It would be opening up a whole can of worms if he was tried as an enemy combatant.
  19. Boston bomb suspect checked for link to 2011 murders -prosecutor
  20. With how well Richards, and Williams is doing, and if they continue to do so. Once we get healthy, which will be towards the all star break, I can see Vargas being traded, possibly getting a good prospect. He will be a free agent next season.
  21. Bomb Suspects' Mother Says Young Son Would Have Obeyed Older Brother
  22. Texas fertilizer company didn't heed disclosure rules before blast Yeah, there will be quite a few lawsuits to come out of this.
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