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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. I got another 50 now Left them in your town.
  2. Was thinking of you guys while watching the game on the tube on Tuesday. I so wanted to post. LOL. Great game. Let's make it two tonight.
  3. I must have caught Mancini-itis. My modem took a crapper, and finally got a replacement one. so I'm back up to no good. I'll be hitting up peoples places this afternoon. Looks like the snake hunt is still on. I need 1250 snakes by next week for the next reward? Anyways, have only about 90 eggs to place. So let me know if anyone can do a swap.
  4. Actually, just finished listening to the entire OTL segment. Man is the press taking it way out of proportion. If you listen to the one clip, it sounds bad. But if you listen to the whole thing, not so much so.
  5. Here is the full clip I think. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=9225225
  6. Gangnam Style. Sung by Jose Mota. In English. It'll just sound like it's in Korean.
  7. Right now, a lot of teams are appreciating Josh Hamilton.
  8. I don't know. Only thing I can think of is you don't have your password correct? I occassionally get the cannot connect to server, retry. But after a few seconds I am able to connect.
  9. You guys are far more cultured than I am. My late night consists of either In N Out, or Tommy's. Although I could tell you about late night Japanese fare, if I could remember those nights.
  10. Are you using wifi or 4g? tablet or phone? If it's tablet, make sure it still has a connection. Rebooting tablet helps also. I get that connect problem on occasion, but waiting a few seconds usually helps.
  11. 107 pitches in 8 innings. 2 ER. I call that a solid start.
  12. We should call a doctor since on 3 separate nights the M's Logo was bigger for 4 hours.
  13. LOL. And a new signature is born.
  14. Considering how the Doggies are doing. If we let him go, he might be back in that uniform pretty quickly.
  15. There was a time, when I used to shrug at people that told these stories from their youth.
  16. All I could think about when you said nun and military academy.
  17. I don't blame you. If I bought tickets, and the Angels voided them, I probably wouldn't buy another either. Then again, I haven't bought in bulk since 2004 when the prices started to skyrocket.
  18. I just bought an awesome TV on the cheap. Other than that, I'm healthy and don't have any warrants out for my arrest. That I know of. That's all I got.
  19. As I posted before. For a Ranger game earlier this week, 1 hour before gametime. Stubhub $18.50. Ticketmaster $90. Difference of one row in Field MVP.
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