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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. I hope the Angels win every game that I watch them play. Doesn't look good right now. But I can still hope they win every game I watch them play. I still get excited when TnT does well, and just wish there was a good way to put a P or B and make a cool nickname with TnT.
  2. They are probably getting evidence before charging the brothers. Paternity test will also tell a lot. Kidnapping is the easy one, since the 4 escaped from his house. I'm sure there will be a bunch of other charges once the evidence is carefully gathered.
  3. We really need to win tonight. hopefully with authority.
  4. It might even be more. Which is why I don't think the Angels have insurance on it. Because with insurance, they would be paying $325 million for Pujols. And insurance doesn't cover retirement, usually only career ending injuries, and usually not preexisting conditions.
  5. Naw, Houston doesn't have a problem. They are playing the Angels tonight.
  6. That's what the hole in the table is for right? Why else would there be a hole there?
  7. If you are deciding to rebuild, it's Trout that will be traded before Trumbo. Trout will get you a much better return, with some elite prospects in the mix. There is no guarantee that Trout will even resign with the Angels, whereas Trumbo grew up an Angels fan and is from the area and might give the Angels a deal like Weaver to stay with the team. In either case, it's a 50/50 chance that if you rebuild it succeeds. For every Teixerra to Atlanta result, there is a Cabrera to the Tigers. You build around players like Trout and Trumbo, not trade them away.
  8. Don't forget about Gonzalez. Probably the main reason why the Doggies made the trade.
  9. The 10 most exciting cities in America (?!) Validation for #1. LOL.
  10. Wow. It gets even stranger. Kidnapped Woman Amanda Berry, Daughter Return Home to Sister's Residence
  11. Dang. Read Glaus. Sgobba's summary: Quality young offensive type player whose mother is very academically oriented(signed with UCLA early) / divorced father is suddenly in picture / mother wants 1st round money/at this time the player doesn't warrant it/ tough sign. Butler summary: Would like to see plyr play w/more fire in his @#$#@$#$.
  12. I thought you were making that up. But got in, and yeah, it says that. lol.
  13. Yes, it would pretty much be Pujols voiding his contract. Here is where it could get interesting though. The Angels and Pujols could agree that he's going to retire. The Angels could then say, that since he's retired, his salary doesn't count against the luxury tax. But then the Angels could then say, well, we have a 10 year Personal Service Contract with you, so whatever you lost by retiring, we will still pay you. I have a feeling that's why MLB banned PSC in contracts after the deal Pujols got. Because it's a way to get around the luxury tax.
  14. Sounds interesting. But I keep getting a database error when looking up players.
  15. Just heard back from Arclight, and they are changing their 3D and going to Dolby 3D. So should be interesting seeing what the quality is like.
  16. What's most freaky about one of those pictures. Is the basement they weren't supposed to go into that was locked, had heavy visible drag marks by the door on the floor.
  17. Only had like 6, but dropped it off. will drop off more when I get them. I've been dropping them in WhiteGDP's town, so hopefully he can make a trade with you. He should have eggs.
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