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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Albert is on pace for 25. Last year he had 30. This year he can't walk. 35 doesn't seem likely.
  2. Looks interesting. Here is a extended version.
  3. Disney World Scheme: Entitled Families Hire Disabled Guide to Bypass Lines, Says Report
  4. So guess I'll sit out tomorrows game also. Didn't watch a minute of it tonight, and they did well.
  5. So did she miss too low or too high?
  6. Dropped off a bunch in your town nate But my fingers are tired now. Will drop some more later.
  7. Does anyone need eggs? I think I have over 300.
  8. So anyone watching or going to the game tonight? I'm still 50/50 on if I even want to turn it on.
  9. Hate Hud. With a passion. Almost as much as MHD hates Bourjos. Maybe more.
  10. This reminds me in a sick way of this case. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/14/business/monsanto-victorious-in-genetic-seed-case.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0 Apparently, you don't own anything in the US anymore. Get ready for a steady increase in food prices.
  11. 20? 30!!!! Losses that is. After 1950, no pitcher has lost more than 24 games in a season. Jack Fisher 1965 lost 24. In 1935 Jim Cantwell lost 25. In In 1933 Paul Derringer lost 27. In 1905 Vic Willis lost 29. And in 1899 Jim Hughey lost 30. This is a once in a century opportunity here. Like watching Haley's Comet.
  12. Thank god Chuck has other sections of the forum more interesting now. Like the NHL.......I mean hangout forum.
  13. Yes, release him now, before Scioscia plays the veteran card, and tries to get him his bonus this year with 200 IP.
  14. I've done that before. Of course it was a sliding glass door. Got up and was fine. What a pansy.
  15. Downing continues to be the most interesting person on AW.com.
  16. Why go the Ghost Palmer route, and just do what is the rage right now. Prequel.
  17. Why even bother to vote, the Yanks are going to win.
  18. Is that how much tickets are the next time Blanton pitches at home?
  19. gotbeer


    Manny saw highlights of Trouts slides and tried to do it himself.
  20. Happy Birthday Katie. May your horse not try to bite you today.
  21. Wonder if it will involve terrorists?
  22. But you could buy them through the Angels and sit up in Upper View for $5.
  23. Grats. So which Angel are you going to name him/her after?
  24. I'm surprised they don't beef up Hulu, which I think they have a stake in, to create an online app.
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