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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. All Children accounted for from one elementary school. 24 children still trapped at the other elementary school. But sounds like there might be some fatalities and many injuries at the other school.
  2. 8 minutes though. For a tornado, that's a good amount of time for a warning. So at least there is hope that people were able to at least get in a secure location.
  3. Sad. Hopefully the loss of life is at a minimum. But 12 miles long, 2.5 miles wide through a city. Yikes.
  4. Yup, from the address you gave. Your nearest subway is 3-4 blocks north at the Hollywood and Vine station. Take the Red line to downtown LA. They run about every 10 minutes. And will take about 15-20 minutes to get to Union station. When you come back, make sure you take the red line. There is a red and purple line that runs on the same tracks, one will take you west, and the other west/nwest to hollywood. You want to go towards Hollywood/Universal Citywalk. From Union station, you can take the shuttle to Doggie stadium. Or you get on another train to Angels stadium. Either the Angels express if it's running, or Metrolink or Amtrak. There is a Friday game against against the Pirates, on the 21st. So you should be able to take the Angels Express. It's a cheaper fare than metrolink or Amtrack. http://www.metrolinktrains.com/news/promotions_detail/title/Angels_Express_2013 The big thing is, if you leave after the game, the Angels express leaves 45 minutes after the game, or 11:30 whichever is first after a big bang Friday. Important to remember, since it's the only train. Red Line, they run till 2 am on Fri/Sat so that won't be an issue. http://www.metro.net/riding/maps/red-line/ Also, since you are in the area, Sunset/Vine, about 2 blocks from you is Arclight Theaters. Nice theater if you want to catch a flick or two. Cinerama Dome is also there, and is nice for watching a movie. (Place I usually go to watch movies). https://www.arclightcinemas.com/ Next door to them is Amoeba Music. If you are a music fan, you will want to check them out. They are pretty much the place for used music stuff. They pretty much have everything you could imagine there. http://www.amoeba.com/ Since it's your first time in the area. I would make sure you leave plenty of time to get to the subway, and Union station. There is only one train leaving from Union station to Angels stadium. I suggest getting there early so you don't miss it. If you get there extremely early, and you have time to kill. Olvera Street is across from Union Station. Just watch out for pickpockets. There is also Phillip's French Dip about 2 blocks from Union Station if you want to grab a bite before the train. http://www.philippes.com/ As someone pointed out, For the best Pastrami Sandwich, go to Langers. It's off the subway at McArthur Park. They are only open in the day time, and that area gets real sketchy at night. It's an expensive sandwich, and the #19 is like $20, but far and away, the best Pastrami sandwich you will ever have. http://www.langersdeli.com/
  5. What Rob said. But the address or general location would help.
  6. Over a year it's tough. Think Gwynn was the closest at .394 (F'N MLB Strike). And he was a turtle. Ichiro had a .372 season. And he was a singles machine. But it would be cool if someone was within shot going into the last few weeks.
  7. Or mine. Or dentedcougar. Especially dentedcougar/caliangel.
  8. Dang Nate. Saw you had the blimp. Wish it flew around the town.
  9. They both suck. Along with the Lakers and Clippers and Ducks. Where has the world come to where So Cal bragging rights are coming down to the Kings and Galaxy.
  10. Can't believe it only did $70 million. With the amount of people at the theater, and with how good the film was, thought it would be as much, if not more than Iron Man's opening week.
  11. Horse racing is a tough sport. Instead of rooting for one team, you root for a horse, that will only run a minute maybe 2, maybe once a month, for a few years. In baseball, it would be like you have 9 guys against one pitcher. And the guy that does it best in one at bat is the winner. But the pitcher doesn't lose. It's a bet on each individual batter. And if the batter ties, it's whoever hit it farthest. Kind of like Fantasy Leagues. But to me, it's like poker. The more you know, the more you understand, it enhances the experience, and seperates you from the guy that just came to have fun at the races. It's a chess match, with many different factors involved. I'm a more statistics guy, point a to b to c. And just like baseball, statistics can go out the window quick. In that way, Horse racing is pretty similar to baseball. In baseball, if you fail 70% of the time, you are considered really good in your field. In Horse Racing, if you fail 80% of the time, you are considered really good. Difference is one guy is batting, and one guy is riding.
  12. I used to think like this too. After my Star Trek experience, will definitely be seeing Man of Steel in 3D. It was that much of a great difference with good optics.
  13. Question is, will JJ Abrams be directing it? With him on the Star Wars seat now, I don't know if he will be back.
  14. So I bought a pair of XPand 3d glasses. The Xpand X-104 universals. This way I can use them at home on my computer or TV. Arclight in Hollywood is still using the Xpand system, so watched Star Trek using them. My god, is that what 3D is supposed to look like? I am typically not a 3d fan at all. I'd usually go for the 2d versions because overall, the increase in price usually isn't worth having to have the glasses on, and i don't see a quality change. And on Iron Man 3, it was ok. I don't think it was worth the difference in price between 3d and 2d. But for Star Trek, I wore my own glasses. It was everything that I thought 3D was supposed to be. The picture was crystal clear. I could see depth in everything that was happening. It wasn't the gimicky 3d pop out at you effects, but an actual 3d effect. This was the first movie I saw that I can say, 3D is probably 100x better than 2D. Maybe it was just the movie, but I had my buddy watch some of the trailers in 3d using my glasses, and he said he could tell that the picture quality was much better. Maybe I'm overhyping it. But to me, the investment in the glasses was well worth the experience I just had. It was just that spectacular.
  15. Was an awesome movie. Will exand more in the do you were your own glasses thread. But entertaining through the entire thing.
  16. Was a fun day at the OTB. Didn't have Oxbow, but had 2nd, 3rd and 4th correctly in that order. Know what that gets me. Jack. Sigh. Knew when the rain didn't come, Orb was in trouble. It'll be interesting to see how the OTB will be for the Belmont. It was packed for the Preakness. A lot of people were complaining because there was no where to sit down, since all the tables were reserved and taken. Anyways, I love horse racing. Would be better if Santa Anita was live, and I can honk my horn as I pass Nates. But I'll take a crowd of people rooting for their 4-5 favorite, only to have a longshot school them.
  17. I'm gonna win it, so I can say I make more than Hamilton and Pujols, and contribute just as much.
  18. Robert Coello is throwing an ancient new pitch That one pitch interested me quite a bit, and apparently I'm not the only one. If you missed it last night, there is also a gif of his pitch.
  19. I like how on the postgame show, they are blaming errors for starting the avalanche. But they ignore that an error is what gave them the lead.
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