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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. And Berman is still employed. Think of how many of the 400 would be employed if he wasn't.
  2. Oh nice. First I heard of them building one up there. Yeah, it does look nice.
  3. Yeah, after watching it. Looks like CBS. When I saw it, it was on CNN, and it made too much sense.
  4. Except for the part where the CNN reporter and cameraman don't help. F'n CNN.
  5. Scary how it turned from something that looked so innocent, and a normal run of the mill tornado, into the finger of god.
  6. http://www.hardballtimes.com/main/article/cooperstown-confidential-trading-the-manager/ Don't think any of those trades were during the season though.
  7. BREAKING: Subway Just as Unhealthy as McDonald’s! Insert Trout jokes.
  8. So the weather forcaster on CNN said 16 minutes warning before first touchdown. 30 minutes after that before it hit Moore.
  9. On a side note. I hope EA comes out with a Star Wars version of this game. Now that they got the gaming license from Disney.
  10. I'd rather have McGwire than Mattingly. Get it done Doggies, and fire him.
  11. Fox showing a graphic. 40 minutes on ground. 16 min warning.
  12. Fox news just said that the Tornado was on the ground for 45 minutes.
  13. As soon as Hanson and Weaver get back, Blanton should be used as relief in blowout situtaions when we are down by 8 runs or more.
  14. This fire chief looks like they want to strangle that reporter that asked the question about deaths at the school.
  15. I'll stick to the trapped until they find and confirm.
  16. You look at Segura's minor league numbers. And I would do that trade again in a heartbeat. Rookie Ball 162 AB, .904 OPS A Ball 515 AB, .829 OPS 2011 looks like he was hurt, only 185 AB in A+ Ball .758 OPS AA Ball, 374 AB .749 OPS Traded to the Brewers. 148 AB, .652 OPS last year. Then he jumps to a .986 OPS this year. If anyone could have predicted that, especially many posters, I call Bullshit.
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