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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Yeah, channel 7 reported it also. 22 year old. $1 million bail. Anaheim doesn't like their golden goose to be messed with.
  2. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Latest-News-Wires/2013/0529/Disneyland-explosion-A-tempest-in-a-singing-teapot
  3. Man, and Disney is pretty strict in checking bags to make sure nothing is in them too. They do let water in, so now the question comes up do you still allow that in?
  4. Chuck, he does that to everyone. You probably only read his columns when the Angels are in it. He does this all the time. He is the negative writer to all the polyana's that write news articles in Southern California.
  5. So, does Erick Aybar not get the benefit of calls, because he tries to show up umpires every chance he gets? We've all seen those blank stares he gives the umpires and the chirping he does when he thinks he was right. When replay consistently shows over and over again that he was wrong. We've seen those tags at second, then those gestures when he thinks he puts the tag on, when replay shows the ump was right. Him making a mountain out of a mole hill play, when players like Albert will walk away even though he thinks it's a bad call. I think players have reputations around the league. And in Aybars case, I think he will not get the benefit of doubt as much as say if Pujols that happened to Pujols. He's a whiner, and will take any opportunity to show up a player or a umpire. Dispute any calls that go against his way. This is similar to the Ducks in hockey. They get brutalized, and never get calls for them. Because teams of past were known among the refs in the league as a whining bunch that doled out penalties, but always complained of penalties on them. The refs only call obvious plays for the Ducks, but will call marginal penalties against the Ducks. It's human nature, and probably psychological of some kind. And Aybar will continue to be on the short stick side of umpire decisions.
  6. If he does it over a full season. Then yeah, he could be. But he hasn't yet.
  7. Nice article. I think the one thing they missed in their calculations is the difference between a day and night game. As we've seen at Angels stadium, which is closer to sea level, it can make routine fly balls at night, go over the fence.
  8. Really? Because in golf, with a good tailwind, I can increase my drive from 50-100+ yards. heck, in Arlington, with the wind going, I've seen more routine fly balls go 10 rows deep.
  9. In hockey, reviews take too long. And they are used for one instance only. If the puck crossed the goal line. What you are proposing, is to have a review for every two line pass, offside, icing, and line change. Pretty much ruining the game.
  10. Yes, because aerodynamics in todays stadiums is very different back in the day. Today, there are multiple levels to a stadium. It builds it own barrier against the wind. Back then, stadiums were one level. Also remember that back then, most if not all of the games were in the daytime. Another significant change in conditions that helps the ball travel farther. You go on a dry day, with a 20-30 mph tailwind. That ball will be flying out of the stadium, if the batter can put it in the stream. Look at the stadium the Rangers play in.
  11. I thought this one was good. Of course you have to have my sense of humor, because I was LOL at parts. It wasn't great, it was more on par with 2. But at least it wasn't a repeat of 1. If you have that weird sense of humor like I do, it's probably worth seeing at the theater. For the rest of you, probably good to wait for cable/dvd.
  12. Saw it tonight. Wasn't impressed. It was good. Not great. Something about the whole flow of the movie bugged me. Not sure if it was the unrealistic situations or what. But for me, it turned away from what the Fast and the Furious was all about.
  13. This. Was wondering that in the bar. Freaking that was an easy out. It was stupid typical showmanship Ebar that put us in the situation.
  14. Don't you mean almost all mlb starters?
  15. It's a deep fly ball, and Kennedy has it. Those always cracked me up.
  16. Possibly. Of course he was using a very juiced bat at the time.
  17. Ruth could actually be more of a monster at the plate though. Remember, back in Ruth's day. Strike zone was from the shoulders to the knees. And spitballs and anything else were common.
  18. Which would then put the sun right in the batters eyes. So that's probably a definite no.
  19. Problem with the measurements now is there are eventual impediments, and most of the time it's just guess work. A ball could hit position A for 475 feet. But from how I understand these measurements work, and I can be totally wrong here, but a line drive hit to position A counts the same as a lofted ball hit to position A. Back in the Mantle and especially Ruth days, there was no impediments. So you pretty much could measure where it landed in the parking lot. Thus have a possible 500+ foot shot. Trumbo should just dispel it all, and hit one out of Doggie park and onto Mattingly's car.
  20. Problem with your train of thought is, the CoA gets very little revenue from the property. They would get much much more revenue if they sold the property and developed it. Right now, I would like anyone to name a lease that is more favorable than the one CoA gave Disney, in which Arte inherited. City of Anaheim is not at anyones mercy. It's more Arte at the mercy, because he has a timeline to make a decision that involves hundreds of millions of dollars.
  21. Yeah, same here. I thought he was an ideal long reliever. But he's made some great adjustments, and is able to get over his road block of the third time around the order. And he's just nails right now. We wanted him to be a #5 pitcher, and he's pitching like a #1. He'll have some rocky starts, but if he can be a solid #3 pitcher, that would be huge for us.
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