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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. There you go Weave. Hand it over to the pen now. Get him a few more runs to make the decision easier though bats.
  2. Phew. Okay big bats. Time to start rolling.
  3. Hahaha. Really, a fair ball? That looked so foul.
  4. Not exactly the word I was thinking of, but we'll go with slow. This team needs a better nutritionalist.
  5. How the hell does Callaspo not beat that out?
  6. Been there, and entertained the board for a few hours too.
  7. did Weaver get ink on his left arm? Or did he always have that?
  8. MOst difficult pitch to hit? The WTF, Forkleball, @##$#@Ball, tumbler.
  9. Hate this song. Or at least how it's sung so out of key.
  10. We will win. The team will be energized with Weavers return, and we will be on a win streak till CJ or Banton pitches again.
  11. Not a good week for Disney security. Disney World patron finds gun on ride
  12. Or junior copycat terrorist. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-disneyland-employee-toontown-20130529,0,527823.story
  13. Bummer. I'll say that I wanted him on the team in the offseason. But since the Angels "never sign foreign players" we technically had no shot. But after reading that article though. Man, makes you wonder if the Cubs botched it from the get go.
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