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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. We are? Does any team honor other teams players that have never played for the team more than the Angels?
  2. Damn. that was a 3d looking hit. Right into the living room.
  3. Middle fastballs down the pipe are always a good pitch to Ortiz.
  4. OPS no higher than .839 when with the Twins. Gets to Boston, and his OPS rises from 961 to 1.066. But being a bandbox, understandbable. Then goes through a 2 year drop in OPS. His slugging went from a high of .621 to a .507 to a .421, then started to rise again at 34 years old to .529, .554, .611 and .623. Something just doesn't seem right.
  5. Guess those old guys know what they are doing.
  6. Yeah, you could probably go through Angels Stadium asking people how they felt about getting eliminated in the playoffs last year or Vlad being traded the other day, and get similar responses.
  7. Umpires blow two calls on the same play http://youtu.be/ChM5YUS7RPk LOL. Sorry about the Anonymous sounding video. But it's what came up when searching for a video of it.
  8. 7 dead? ABC news is only reporting 1 dead and also the gunman.
  9. I hope he died painfully. Sadly, if he did it in Texas, he would have died a long long time ago.
  10. And after saying all that. I wonder. What is considered a salary? If the Angels offer a similar package like Trout, and guarantee college money, that could put it in the Angels favor. But is that guarantee put towards the salary?
  11. IMO, problem may be signability with this pick. #59 is slotted at $942k. Considering he was projected as a first rounder, the #32 pick is slotted $1.6 million. Add to that, the Angels total pool is only $2,998,200. Some pool notes. If you do not sign a player, you lose that slot money. If you exceed the pool between 5-10%, you get a 75% tax and you lose a first round pick. 10-15%, 100% tax and loss of first and second round. 15%+ 2 first rounds and a second. http://www.bleachernation.com/2013/06/06/2013-mlb-draft-primer-bonus-pool-slot-values-penalties-all-that-jazz/
  12. Yeah. Ever since I clicked on Adams flyer, suddenly got golf ads.
  13. Sooooooo. Which move was worse? Putting Jerome Williams in the Pen. Sending Jered Weaver to AAA to keep Jeff Weaver as a starter.
  14. http://www.latimes.com/sports/baseball/mlb/angels/la-sp-0606-angels-notes-20130606,0,4090680.story
  15. Freak security out, and everyone wear a turban.
  16. If only he was firing his service revolver while driving down the mountain yelling Yahoooooooooooooooo, to make it a complete epic fail.
  17. http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20130212&content_id=41570018&notebook_id=41570956&c_id=ana Diet. Time to go on the Prince Fielder Weightwatchers plan.
  18. He's punishing us, because he didn't tell Pujols and Hamilton squat. They are just using his name to justify the $$$$$$
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