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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. No matter what, this should be the last inning for Weaver. Not worth the risk.
  2. Time to get the lead back Trout. Aw who we kidding. He'll be pitched around to get to Hamilton. Even if it puts a RISP>
  3. On Fathers day on top of it. If I took my dad to the park, I'd want him to get something about the Angels.
  4. Yay. To celebrate Fathers day, come bring dad to angels stadium so he could get this. A Mario Rivera Commemorative Certificate. Given to all fans while supplies last.
  5. weaver has gotten a bit wild this inning.
  6. Wow, the Angels are even giving a Rivera promotion away. LOL. Pathetic.
  7. trumbo hits the ball hard. even when it's not out of the park.
  8. Wait, an Angels pitcher didn't give up the lead after we got it. Novel concept.
  9. If Hamilton is going to bat second. I'm kind of hoping a lineup of Bourjos, Hamilton, Trout, Trumbo. Of course Kendrick instead of Hamilton would be better.
  10. Is it bad, that the only joy I get when watching us at bat is if Trumbo, Trout or Bourjos is up? Other then them, I kind of wander off.
  11. Wonder if that is his brother in grey? Looks just like Trout.
  12. Big fly Oppo Taco Upstream Trout Blast.
  13. Let's go bats. It's only a matter of time before West screws us.
  14. Another cause for concern. No reviews on this film on Rotten Tomatoes, with 4 days till release.
  15. Looks like game is going to start on time. Might have a delay an hour into the game which would suck for us.
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