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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Giants Invalidate Their Territorial Rights Argument Interesting read.
  2. If I remember right, didn't the A's waived their territory dispute with the Giants so that the Giants could build their stadium.
  3. As for the lawsuit to challenge the antitrust exemption. It's about time.
  4. Yup, and how many here would love a floor and ceiling to the salary cap in the MLB? Bettman is taking a page from the NFL and trying to make all the teams successful, and not just the Yankees and Red Sox.
  5. Either way, I'll more than likely be amazed at Blanton tonight. Either I'll be amazed that he's pitching lights out. Or I'll be amazed that the Mariners aren't affected by the marine layer. Unfortunately, with Blanton, those are the only two scenarios I have confidence in. He doesn't seem to have a middle ground.
  6. Nice story DR. I also like driving to Vegas, and usually do stop at the M for brunch before heading into town. Plus I love the Downtown area. It's so entertaining. And, wait, what did you write. Aw crap, I'm the one on the right.
  7. I've been doing the 9-1 and it's paid off twice already. Definitely worth betting now.
  8. Wilma. What I would do to those dimples.
  9. You would be correct. http://angelswin.com/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=71174&start=1 It's actually an amusing read. I'm still on page 4, and the deal hasn't been finalized yet.
  10. So sad that he isn't on there, but Hamilton is.
  11. http://articles.latimes.com/2012/dec/14/sports/la-sp-angels-josh-hamilton-20121214-13 Walks like a duck. Talks like a duck. To some it's still a puppy.
  12. Yeah, think that was them. Now that I look them up online. Maybe Phoenix wasn't even good for minor league hockey. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Roadrunners Lot of defunct hockey teams there.
  13. I don't know. Maybe the Yankee secondbaseman that will be a FA this offseason.
  14. I would absolutely, positivitely not trade Kendrick at all till at the earliest 2014 season. No way no how. Because if we trade Kendrick this season, you know that some owner will get the bright idea of signing a Yankee secondbaseman, since this team has some sort of boner for Yankees, to lot's and lot's of money. Again, forcing us to ignore what really needs to be addressed, because our already limited 2014 budget will be non-existant.
  15. When I can afford it. Club MVP sections. They are small sections, so no crowds at the concession stands or bathrooms ever. And if you want to stand, you can stand in the aisle and not block anyone's view.
  16. Mariners have a .5 game lead on us for third place. We play 4 games against them at home. Chances we walk away in third place? Remember, Blanton pitches on Tuesday. We need to win the series, before there is any thought to the wild card.
  17. If I remember right, wasn't there a minor league team that did really well in Phoenix before the NHL team went there? NHL saw they were doing well, so thought hockey would do well there. But the fans loved their minor league team and were pretty pissed that the NHL was going to kill it. Which it did.
  18. Any day now, Hamilton will get hot and will carry us through September. Just not sure what year it will be though. Or Decade.
  19. This is what I think should be the penalty for an offender. Revoke of any current contract, and even if negative service time. First offense, reduction of MLB service time to 3.00 years of service, and if under that service time subtraction of 1 year of service time. Second offense, reduction of MLB service time to 6.00 years of service, and if under that service time, subtraction of 3 years of service time. Third offense, Pete Rose. For anyone that tests positive (and of course loses the appeal. To avoid any legit tainted supplements), suspension until WADA clears them that they are clean. And for those that get suspended, monitoring by WADA for second and third offenses. Which are much stricter than what MLB has in place now.
  20. The reverse jinx worked in opposite of it's intention today. Making it an actual jinx.
  21. Good to see the players/union wanting to see the game cleaned up, and with harsh penalties.
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