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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. MLB Biogenesis scandal: Whistleblower demands $1 million for clinic records
  2. Yeah, I was going to say, everything I've searched for doesn't show he's a bad ump. West must not have liked him making all the other umps look bad. Or worse, or incompetent.
  3. Yeah, the other article linked said that. Pretty much the music you hear in the video was coming from his car. If you listen carefully to the video, you can hear someone dropping f-bombs at the police. Most likely the good Christian with the dog. http://www.presstelegram.com/news/ci_23578147/hawthorne-police-kill-dog-during-arrest-owner?source=rss_viewed
  4. This is probably what Dipoto envisioned in the offseason.
  5. Love the delay in the sound and what you can see happen. Especially the shock wave when the Rocket explodes on the ground.
  6. Oddly, Rosie Napravnik was left off. She's having a huge year. And Rafael Bejarano was left off, probably because he rides on the West Coast.
  7. And yet individuals will still be required to get insurance. Can anyone see the two trains getting closer and closer? They are about to collide.
  8. Trade! Orioles get Scott Feldman, Cubs get Jake Arrieta and Pedro Strop Scott Feldman traded to Orioles
  9. Good point. The Ushers can be more of an ass than the fans.
  10. More Like SD. As long as you don't interrupt social hour for most of the patrons, you should be fine. Unless you know nothing about your team and try and pick a fight. Then it could get ugly quick. Best times i have at the stadium is when a knowledgeable opposing fan is around. I get to know a lot about their team, and play style, and they get to know a lot about the Angels.
  11. Just take the cat hiking out at Griffith Park. The Coyotes will take care of the rest.
  12. The two arresting officers were probably aware of the dog. The third one that came on the scene probably was not. Because there wasn't anything else going on at the time that would cause all those police to be there in the first place.
  13. wonder where on those three cops you saw them equipped with a stun gun. Police Stun guns are very large and bulky items. Assuming the cop even had a stun gun, which from the video doesn't look like they had. Police stun guns are very different than a taser you may have in your purse.
  14. Sounds like they do have some protection. One story I read about Cirque accidents was a guy hit his head and got a concussion because he missed the safety pad. Also, one conflicting story I read was that they were setting up for the finale, not actualy in the middle of performing it. So maybe the cushion wasn't set up yet? It could also be that it was set up, but wasn't enough to cushion a fall from where she fell from, if it was at the very top of the stage in the setup area. Again, just hearsay story, was that she didn't struggle when she fell. Which kind of tells me she was expecting something down below.
  15. Bring him to the softball game. Someone will take him home, eventually.
  16. Big difference is. When a human goes after you, you suffer some bruises. When a dog goes after you, especially a dog that size, he can severely injure and kill in a blink. Owner was an idiot, because from the cell phone sound, it sounds like he was told before hand to leave. You can hear the guys in the background laughing at him that the cops are coming back to get him. And when the cop has an assault rifle in hand, and there is an RV on site (Die Hard anyone), that means it's a highly dangerous situation. Don't blame the cops one bit for what they did.
  17. LOL. Had enough of being wrong this can't be good why is it on the internet, then the punchline gold.
  18. Article looks like it was updated and they dropped the felony charges. Bu as LBHalo stated. If they had uniformed officers, this probably could have been prevented. Although, I can't even tell uniformed officers anymore, since most sherrifs where Tshirts and jeans, and you can barely see if they have a badge that's usually hooked onto their belt.
  19. Preliminary is the cable snapped. Never seen a Cirque show, but always wanted to since they always get great reviews.
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