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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. I've learned that unless you can prevent it, having a connecting flight sucks. I was suck in Philladelphia for 8 hours once because of weather. It was sunny and 70 degrees in Philly. But there was a storm in Viginia that grounded all the planes. I needed to go to Vermont, but since that particular plane was coming from Virginia, I was delayed instead of finding a plane that was stuck in Philly because it couldn't go to Virginia. While I hate Herdwest, they have a direct flight to Milwaulkee. I would have taken that one.
  2. So give the reason for teams to cover up so they don't get fined. Check. Unless you really believe no Red Sox has ever used PED's.
  3. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AprnDWGvbY9ZdHZ4RDc2Z0tDT2Q4S19tR3pWNVRqaGc&usp=sharing If it puts it onto the first page for estimated salary, it's on the second tab. $158.715 for 2013 $152.03 for 2014.
  4. I'm bored so I think I'll put that into my spreadsheet. Will be interesting to see where we stand.
  5. First year contract, guaranteed $500k. Free agent contract $10's to hundreds of millions. If you think players won't take that risk. you are delusional. Especially those from the Carribean and Central America. That first year contract pretty much sets them up for life.
  6. Baseball wife Anna Benson arrested after raiding husband’s apartment with gun, bulletproof vest
  7. You can still trade injured players. Teams just don't like to. Last year Crawford was traded even though he was still recovering from TJ surgery. If it was to land Lee and Paps, with Howard, and the Yanks gave up Roid or Teix. They might think it's worth it.
  8. Thai chicken shop replaces KFC's Sanders with Hitler
  9. Makes me wonder if the Phills will go the Boston route. Like a Lee ($62.5 million owed not including this year, $25 million next year), Papelbolm ($26 million owed with another $13 million vesting option, $13 million next year), Howard ($85 million owed, $25 million next year) package trade. And I can think of one team that might be interested. Especially if a Roid is part of the package.
  10. So trade 1/2 of Garza for 5 seasons of Richards. While I'm not high on Richards, who else do we have?
  11. Going off my last post. But over the last few weeks, Downs and Blanton have shown a big improvement. If someone inquires, the Angels have to really think about it and might even pull the trigger right?
  12. If I were YK, I would. Just because if something does go down, then a pastor is someone a jury would find very credible. Especially if it happens to the next person, and the guy does it again.
  13. No, but I bet he will complain when the guys lawn doesn't get cut.
  14. I'd tell your pastor. Then go all Westboro Baptist church on the guy and picket his house.
  15. You know what they say about doing a good deed. It causes more headaches than it's worth.
  16. I'm bring the paper towels, napkins and trash bags. And Donuts for the softball game.
  17. Nolasco is a 4/5 pitcher, that is getting paid $11.5 million this year. He's a free agent after this year. If the Doggies are paying the rest of the salary, then, yeah, they shouldn't have given up much. Which is the right move. He's a typical free agent year player, that someone will overpay in the offseason only for him to turn back into a pumpkin.
  18. How? Teams want something in return. While these wins were nice, we are still sub .500. If offers come in for some of our players, we may be sellers not buyers. Good thing about this run, is that some of our players that didn't have value before, may have some value.
  19. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Although, I'm sure it happens a lot. Just not such an epic failure.
  20. They are saying the airports computers that help landing were down. But then again, that computer has been down due to construction since June. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-equipment-out-of-service-when-plane-crash-at-sf-airport-20130707,0,6437614.story
  21. Imagine if you are the plane on that tarmac, waiting in position to take off, and looking out the window and see that mess come in.
  22. Trumbo tried to kill it instead of hitting it.
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