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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. http://capgeek.com/ducks/ $5.8 million cap space left.
  2. http://ktla.com/2013/07/17/police-hollywood-hit-by-roaming-band-of-robbers/#axzz2ZJjG2gvj
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/17/justice/zimmerman-verdict-aftermath/index.html Another error by the prosecution.
  4. Typically All Star Games are pretty boring. But when you only have one player to root for, it can be even more so. I didn't see a minute of it this year.
  5. Comment. Ok. Make fun of ok. Constant debate, take it to the politics forum. Exclusive: Fired employee to file lawsuit against Zimmerman prosecutors
  6. Sigh. I swear, I don't know why anyone would want to be a cop.
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/zimmerman-protesters-raid-la-store-stop-freeway-072536291.html I just think it's sad that they are beginning to resort to this. I'm not that far away from that area. And the Black Community had a stigma about them and no national chains would want to service that area. It took a lot of convincing, and guys like Magic Johnson to really step up and bring national chains like Wal Mart, TGI Fridays, fast food places, etc there. And now a few bad apples are again making the community look bad again. I was there a few months ago, at a Sears getting my battery changed. There just happened to be a farmers market going on in the parking lot, so while waiting I checked it out. It was a fairly small one, maybe 3 vegetable/fruit vendors. I was talking with an elderly lady that was also looking around, and she said she was so happy that there was finally a farmers market in the neighborhood. She said she had to rely on grocery store produce, and finally they had fresh stuff. I told her about the other farmers markets in the area by my area, and she said it's too far for a lot of people in the community to get to. Just feel bad for them. Because that area has come so far, and now it might stall again.
  8. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/17/people-corymonteith-idUSL1N0FM1XG20130717?feedType=RSS&feedName=cyclicalConsumerGoodsSector&rpc=43 Heroin. That's like the Gnar of drugs.
  9. I like this Penner deal. It's cheap and it's short, and adds some depth.
  10. And just when you thought this case couldn't get any lower. http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2013/07/new-talking-point-trayvon-martin-was-real-bigot-because-he-thought-zimmerman-was-gay/67235/
  11. Not down on him, I just don't think he's the next Jeter like half this board makes him out to be. IMO, his minor league numbers said he's about what we have right now. I'll take a MLB player over a minor leaguer if the numbers say they are about equal. His SB's are nice. But if he was on this team, I would think his numbers would be way lower. It's just headscratching how we stopped stealing this year. Especially when it comes to Trout.
  12. So instead of talking about something positive about the team, let's litter the forum with this person/team sucks.
  13. Westboro Baptist Church Plans Cory Monteith Funeral Protest
  14. Panama finds suspected weapons on N. Korean ship
  15. I would have to disagree with you on Segura. His numbers, where he got more than a handful of AB's. 2009 Orem Rk .346/.904 2010 Cedars A .313/.829 2011 Indland A+ .281/.758 2012 Arkansas AA .294/.749 IMO, it looked like he would be a mid to low .700 OPS hitter. He decreased his OPS at each level he advanced to. I wouldn't be surprised if by year end, Segura's OPS is around a .725-.750.
  16. Sound logic? This is AW.com. Where they determine OGAAT means, if we didn't win the game, fire the manager.
  17. Dang Downing. There should just be a reality tv crew that follows you around. The Dos XX guy has nothing on you.
  18. So you can't flash someone when they are just sitting at green light, searching their car for their phone that they need to answer? Or when they are driving without their headlights on at night?
  19. Liked early Vlad. But towards the end of his Angels career, he really became a shell of himself. And it was getting more and more painful to watch him bat or even field. Definitely worth the contract. But I agree on why we didn't ask him back. HOF. He doesn't have the 3000 hits or the 500 HR's. But over 16 years, a .318/.931 slash line is HOF worthy. And he'll probably be the last Expo to go in the hall.
  20. I like him. And I'm fine with his moves. Seguras minor league numbers weren't very impressive. So trading him for a chance at Greinke was ok. Letting go of the pretender I'm fine with. Morales for Vargas I'm fine with. Bad luck that Vargas has a blood clot. But the AW.com geneuses probably saw that coming. Hanson for Walden I'm fine with. Not Dipoto's fault that he killed Hanson's brother. Frieri for Amarista I'm good with. Frieri is still young, and will become better. Madson to a one year deal. It was a risk vs reward move. And it was a good chance to take. Trading Geltz for De La Rosa. Didn't like it at the time, but De La Rosa is coming into his own. Declining Santana's option. Liked it. He is in a totally different environment now with a lot less pressure in a contract year. I'll laugh if a big team signs him to a big contract. Declining Haren's option. Didn't like it, but proved to be the right move. Trading Wells and not eating the entire contract. Don't even need to comment on that. Hamilton. I thought it was a good signing, although a bit rich and long. But didn't think that Hamilton would do so poorly. Pujols. Didn't like the signing, and not sure if this was more Moreno marketing or Dipoto. Blanton. Was an egg.
  21. That's too bad, because you could really tie in this movie to Godzilla and it would make perfect movie sense.
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