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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. The more I think about it, I think he's going to get 150 games. Reasoning is, he will get 50 games for that time when he said he didn't take. 100 games as a second infraction for post biogenisis stuff. This way, when he gets tested constantly and hopefully fails, Selig could bring the lifetime ban out. Then Selig could say, that's what the CBA calls for. And put it on the feet of the union. This will hopefully then make the union, or I should say the members, realize that the penalties aren't severe enough and force the action.
  2. Cloudy, with a chance for meatballs. Playoffs, maybe. Competitive, Yes.
  3. And to think. They went through Fox and McCourts, and yet now it's the widest. Going to suck in my neighborhood wearing my Angels hat for the next few decades.
  4. Yeah, I dont see anything on android yet. Although downloaded a crap load of updates.
  5. I'm still wondering who is more disappointing. Nats or Angels. I'm almost thinking Nats, because everyone knew the pitching was going to be the weakspot. Nats looked stack from top to bottom, starting and finishing.
  6. On a side note. Jerome, 6 IP, 1 ER. 74 pitches. Impressive.
  7. Really? Wow, looking at his page a bit more. He was ranked #26 in the MLB in 2005. We got a stud on our hands. lol http://thebaseballcube.com/players/profile.asp?P=Chris-Nelson-7
  8. Guess it'll depend on what evidence they have, and the severity of the infraction. I'm thinking he's going for the Braun length. Where MLB wants 2-3 years. I'd be ok with 2 years. But have a feeling it'll be 1 year.
  9. Dang. Write this date down. Beltre didn't make a fairly routine ball hit to him.
  10. That was cool watching Andrus' bat break in slow motion.
  11. It actually speaks volumes when Braun not only takes a plea deal, but the Union wouldn't lift a finger to defend him. MLB has presented their evidence to the Union. If the union decides not to defend any of the players listed, you know the evidence is substantial. And by defending it, that does not mean a Afraud hired lawyer fighting the suspension.
  12. MLB cannot grant Bosch immunity. MLB has no authority over a court of law. All MLB said is that they will not sue Bosch, and that they will say that he cooperated fully once his trial comes up in a court of law.
  13. Shhh. Quiet. Don't you know, when there is a witch hunt going on, if you speak up, you are a witch?
  14. People all in arms about a guy who's hitting 1.071 OPS in the majors getting a shot. Shuck on the other hand. /shrug.
  15. I thought Cruz was going to take his suspension? Mainly because there are more than 50 games left in the season, so he'd be available for the postseason. And he's a FA after this season, so if he fights it, then he starts off with the new team (If he's even signed) with a huge amount of days suspended.
  16. We need Spaceballs: the baseball team.
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