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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. I dont see how this is the B Team. Cowgill has a .900+ OPS while with the Angels. Harris is going to play third. Really, only Kendrick for Field is the defensive replacement. Outfield is probably the best defensive outfield, until Peter comes back.
  2. Big Trouble in Little China definitely falls in the awesome cult movie category. And I agree with They Live. Such an underrated movie. Roddy Rowdy Piper was perfect in that movie.
  3. I like the lineup. If Scioscia plays Hamilton, he's an idoit. If Scioscia doesn't play Hamilton, he's an idoit. But I still don't get why Ianetta has been playing so much lately. Are they trying to showcase him for trade porn?
  4. Angelswin.com It's like a kindergarten. When a kid is playing quite happily with his toy. Then he sees another kid playing with another toy and automatically thinks his toy is not fun anymore. Goes out and takes the other kids toy. Then realizes, this toy isn't fun at all, I'd much rather have had the other toy I threw away. Then starts crying and throwing a hissy fit.
  5. Here is an interesting thought I've had. If Arod is currently being paid by the insurance company for his salary lost. After the suspensions are handed out, can the insurance company sue Arod for insurance fraud? I'm sure these insurance policies are pretty thorough. And I'm sure one of the questions is what medications are you taking. Well, I'm sure he didn't list any PED's.
  6. They said he took bp yesterday also. So a rehab start is probably close.
  7. They already said he was on the list. But it coincided with when he got busted. So he might not get punished again, since it might be for the same crime.
  8. Erstad, can't find. http://youtu.be/t65p7HbbTPY
  9. I like how instead of using his shirt to open it, he uses his pocket. On a trip to vegas, one of my buddies couldn't open up a water bottle when we stopped at Baker. So after I opened it up, I gave it to him, and asked if the little baby needed his seatbelt fastened also.
  10. Also a sucker for the Resident Evil series. I love the video game also.
  11. He has $100 million reasons to take it to court. Even if it costs him $10 million in legal fees. That the union, at least publicly, doesn't even look like they will even try to back him, is very telling. Because usually the union will back anyone.
  12. Because you still want to keep labor peace. If selig went guns a blazing, the union would be up in arms. Also, there would be more of a reason to contest any ruling. The way MLB is going about it. They are trying to include the union as much as possible, and bringing to them evidence of the infractions. This way, when the shit hits the fan, the MLB and the Union can both say, this is best for the sport, and both look like good guys.
  13. It sounds like he thinks the union will back him up if he uses this line. Cause it sounds just like what a disgruntled union would say. Problem is, I don't think the union, or the players more specifically, will back him.
  14. Somehow, bringing to attention illegal drug use in federal court sounds like a bad idea.
  15. A-Rod's Reps: 'Bring It On And We Will See Major League Baseball In Federal Court'
  16. Such a classic movie. You could play that movie today, and the story still rings true.
  17. Just thinking stuff up. No facts or anything to this trade proposition. Just a talking point. Lee ($25, $25, $27.5 Option) Howard ($25, $25, $25, $23) Palpelbolm ($13, $13, $13 vesting option) Utley (FA) For Kendrick ($9.35, $9.5) Trumbo (Arb 1) Frieri (Arb 1) No cash trading hands, so the Angels would get a big bill.
  18. Swordfish was on the tube last night, and I couldn't turn it off.
  19. LOL at the bond set at $250,000. Also, how is it possible to have sex with a cat?
  20. Kendrys is not a first baseman. There are only 5 DH's that would have qualified for a arbitration qualifying offer. http://www.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/cots/league-info/highest-paid-players/ Kendrys does not match up with any of them. He'll probably get in the $8-10 million mark. Which is probably why it looks like the Mariners are going to try to keep him.
  21. Doubtful. He's mainly a DH. Only 15 teams could use him. And a lot of teams like the Yanks, Sox, Angels have DH's. So it really limits his market. Plus DH's historically don't make as much as position players do.
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