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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. For the next AW.com golf tourney, they should see if someone will sponsor a hole in one. From what I hear, the insurance on it, $25,000 is a few hundred.
  2. I agree with him. If a team is doing well, you will see more and more casual fans wearing their gear. You see it in every sport. Clippers start doing well, suddenly you see a ton of people in Clipper gear. No different than in the OC or LA. When the Angels were doing well, you saw a ton of Angels gear popping up. There is a lot less now that they aren't doing well.
  3. The big thing next season will be injuries. It won't matter who we get next season if this team can't stay healthy. Biggest blow this season was Burnett. Losing Coello also didn't help. And losing Weaver and Vargas for extended periods, and Blanton pretty much lost for the entire season meant having to rely too heavily on Richards and Williams. Just taxed the relievers and made it too unpredictable. Get a good starting pitcher. Then we won't be taxing the pen after the 3rd inning. Frieri, Burrnett, Coello, De La Rosa, Kohn, Williams is a good start to the pen. Walden as a maybe. You can get a good cheap reliever in FA'cy.
  4. I remember when people were saying he was the 1B of the future with 30 HR potential.
  5. Look at the Pirates. It doesn't happen often, but the cheap business plan does work every blue decade.
  6. http://espn.go.com/mlb/stats/rosters/_/sort/average_age/order/false We are the 9th youngest team in the MLB. .5 years and we'd be the second youngest team. Our Oldest player, is the Youngest among all teams old players.
  7. I see these buildings all the time. In Redlands and Rancho Cucomonga. Surprisingly, I don't see many/any in the Hancock Park Area when I drive through.
  8. I remember a few contractors coming to our house to do work one time. I'm at 950 South. They were doing work at 950 North. But it would suck to come back home from work, only to find a pile of rubble.
  9. Guy standing right behind Torii is wondering the same thing.
  10. 2 out rally. I don't remember the last time when we've had one.
  11. Lance Armstrong settles $1.56M case with Sunday Times over cheating article
  12. Nice win. This is the team we have been waiting for.
  13. Ok, so what happened with the third out. By the time I got upstairs, it was a commercial break.
  14. Trailers were kind of blah. But an over 90% on rotten tomatoes. Not sure if it will be in theaters, but will see it.
  15. Well, he isn't doing well right now. He's also from So Cal, and I don't think his experience with the Angels team has been a negative. How the team as a whole is performing might not sit well, but Now the Angels could force the issue and offer him arbitration. Because I don't think he is a +$13 million a year player. He's a good player, but not someone that a team would consider losing a first rounder to.
  16. I don't get why we need to trade for one. CJ, Weaver, Richards, and hopefully Vargas. You just need a 4/5, like a Hughes or a Garza.
  17. IMO, and purely IMO, but I don't think the pitching staff is that bad. Yes they are bad this year, but I think it will improve dramatically next year. Starters. Weaver, CJ, Richards, and hopefully Vargas is a good 1-4. People will say Weaver is no longer a true #1, but really he will win games for you. I'd rather have him than many of the so called "aces" in the league. So that leaves getting a back of the rotation guy. Easier than getting an ace or #2. I think people have become spoiled on the Ace 1, 1a, and solid 2's that we had before. Many teams, including some playoff teams would probably love to have our 1-4. Relievers. IMO, Burnett was the biggest loss from our pen this year. He would have been a 60-70 inning solid reliever. And I disagree that he was an injury risk. But Frieri, Burnett, Williams (LR), Coello, Walden, Kohn, DLRosa is 7 relievers when you really only need 6. The core is there. IMO, the instruction/leadership might not be. Again, I think we need to add a few players. But IMO, it's not doom and gloom like it seems like on the board lately. (And if I'm ranting, I'm drunk. So I apologize)
  18. I don't see anything wrong with what Dipoto or Trumbo said. The core is there. But right now, they are the 2001 team. We need them to come together and play like a team, and not individuals and become the 2002 team. They need to step back, take a look at their mess, and decide as a team they are much better than this. I don't see any bases loaded, no outs, "I let my team down, but the next guy had my back" attitude. Right now, I see a lot of "we's" as in we didn't perform, but there doesn't seem to be any "I's" as in I didn't come through.
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