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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Scheduling nightmare. But it would be much nicer watching them play there.
  2. We said the same thing last year about giving Yu $107 million in commitments, and Greinke $147 million, that it was a little over board. And look where we are at now. The only way we are going to get better is to spend. And if we are not going to spend, then we will become the Clippers. No matter how good you become, it's only temporary and you will still be in the shadow of the Lakers.
  3. LOL. All it means, is the Angels would trade the core and some prospects for Price. Only to have Price sign with the Dodgers or Yankees in two years and all we get is a draft pick. I can see it now. Angels: David, we are committed to winning. Price: Like you were committed to winning with Greinke and not matching the Dodgers offer? Angels: Well there is the Competitive Balance Tax to deal with. Price: So you have a monetary limit to winning? Angels: We are committed to winning. Price: So about that contract Ned.
  4. It's not news till there are pics of his mom.
  5. This will be an entertaining offseason if this comes true. I don't understand why we even have a minor league system, if you want to trade them away after 3 years in the majors. We truly have become the Fox Doggies.
  6. I hear the Cardinals are desperate. They only made the World Series on a average budget, and look good to be a solid team next year. They are the one's that offered arbitration to a guy that nobody would sign till spring, and still got a draft pick. They are the one's that didn't sign Pujols to a ridiculous contract. Their front office is ripe for the pickings. But the Angels are World Series contenders, and everyone will want to trade with our surplus. We know what we are doing. /sarcasm if you haven't figured it out already since it seems necessary lately.
  7. Shouldn't the Angels be interested in Middlebrooks, if he's available?
  8. Boston is thrilled that Jeter will be manning Short next season.
  9. I don't like this top 3 teams, and the player choses one. It assures that the Doggies or Yanks will get any Japanese player they want, at a discount. Because, sorry to say, if the choice is between those two teams and any other team maybe besides Seattle, they will chose those two. If they are going to tweak the system, they should just make it an open bidding process. With the highest bidder getting the player.
  10. So I was at the Breeders cup today. Volunteering in the box seats. Was talking to a guy that was solo in a $5k box. He said he was from vegas, along with his coworkers. he won some raffle from work, so he got a ticket. Well, he used to live in LA, and decided to drive to LA. His coworkers all ribbed him for driving when it's easier to fly. Apparently these co-workers never went to LA, or knew LA. So, where do they fly into? LAX. They left Las Vegas at 9 am. They texted the guy that drove and watched all the races at around 4 pm saying they were finally leaving the airport and they wouldn't make it. So pretty much their company dumped $2k without even setting foot at the track. To top it all off, I asked the guy where they were staying. They are staying at some hotel in LA because they wanted a nice hotel. Instead of a nice hotel in maybe Pasadena.
  11. Didn't mind Clooney's acting. Actually as boring as it is, that's how I picture what the mission commander should be. Someone that's kind of monotone, and when the shit hits the fan, doesn't panic and is still in control.
  12. This is like the 115th season in a row you have said that.
  13. At least we got a point out of the game tonight.
  14. Good news for the Angels. There is no such thing as a luxury tax, so going over that shouldn't be a problem. Bad news for the Angels. There is such thing as a competitive balance tax, and if the Angels won't go over that, it's going to be a long 2014.
  15. I think the Jays will be sellers this offseason. They spent $36 million more in salary from the previous year, and finished in last place in their division. They will not trade their young talent, but instead look for teams to take their big contracts. I can really see a Buerhle for Iannetta straight up trade. It sheds $20+ million payroll from the Jays for the next 2 years, and gives them an affordable catcher. And for the Angels, it gives them a starting pitcher that has a track record for IP, and his whip is would place him as a #3 type pitcher. And if you say what about the money, then all these trade porn talks are fruitless because that means the Angels don't mean to compete next season. No one will trade the Angels affordable young starting pitching for castoffs and soon to be expensive arbitration players.
  16. Cleaning the wound with alcohol. She should get the death penalty.
  17. What I fear is they trade Kendrick, lose out on Tanaka, then realizing they haven't made any big moves, decide to make a splash.
  18. 2014 Free Agent Leaderboards Note that they included players with options. So while players like Shields is listed, he has an option that will likely be used. And how bad is the FA Market for starting pitchers? Kazmir is ranked above Garza.
  19. It would be funny if this trade did go through, and Trout joined Trumbo in 4 years.
  20. Talk about a sucker bet. If it was 20-1 odds, you might get takers.
  21. Well, than good news. The case was put before a competent judge, and the judge said no to the restraining order.
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