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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. And yet you and a bunch of people think that other teams will trade them to us for scraps.
  2. Some positives about the team next season. Pujols and Hamilton can't be as bad. Hamilton showed signs towards the end of the season. Their WARs were for Hamilton a 1.5 vs a previous year of 3.3, and for Pujols a 1.5 vs a 4.6. Our offense was ranked 7th in runs scored last year. So easily I can see it increasing to top 5, maybe even top 3. So that leaves pitching. Even with how bad pitching was last season, this team was a -4 run differential. Tampa Bay was the lowest playoff team to make it with a +54. Blanton's 5.66 ERA/1.59 WHIP and Hanson's 5.59 ERA/1.58 WHIP over 33 starts just killed us. In those starts they were 6-16. Tanaka will look good replacing those numbers. But even if we don't get him, I don't think we need to blow up the roster to be a good team. Just a few good additions. Hard part is, looking back in a year and seeing if anyone we add this offseason was as good as advertised.
  3. Even including Arod. The Yanks right now stand at $98 million in contracted players. It's very possible for them to be under the tax this year.
  4. It all went to hell after Goose died.
  5. Fleeced? We did get Kennedy who helped us that one season. I think you forget how bad our middle infield was prior.
  6. World Series Odds: Dodgers very early favorite to win 2014 title
  7. I know how to speed up the game. How about limiting it to 1 minute between changes of offense to defense. That would shave 18 times at least 2-3 minutes per, so 36-54 minutes a game. And heck, it wouldn't impact the game at all. Oh wait, that would cut commercials. never mind.
  8. LOL. You are quick. I responded, and as I scrolled down further, realized it was an old post I already responded to. haha
  9. I'd stay quiet on Tanaka too if I were a GM. No sense in driving the price up with constant chatter in the media of a Yankees vs Angels vs Doggies bidding war on a sealed bid. If it's true about the outfield, then definitely can see Bourjos moved. But I'd be worried about that outfield D. But if it's true that pitching wins championship, part of a good pitching is a good defense. So it seems contrary to popular thought.
  10. The problem with shooting for the moon, is sometimes you never leave the launchpad. Bourne and Lohse showed us how it was done last season. If they stick to their guns, which they probably won't since their agents are not Boras, they may be waiting by the phone a long time.
  11. And moving the logic to Hamilton 2011 3.5 2012 3.3 2013 2.8 Actual 1.5 2014 2.3 2015 1.6 2016 0.9 2017 0.2 Total 7.8 War. Contract 5/$125. Only $16.0 million per WAR. So now, with that brilliant hogwash article, Trouts projected 64.5 WAR should be worth between $1.032 billion and $922 million over 10 years for the Angels.
  12. using the articles logic. Taking a -0.5 WAR per season, -0.7 WAR after age 33. 2011 last season with St Louis. 5.1 2012 4.6 2013 4.1 but had a 1.5 2014 3.4 2015 2.7 2016 2.0 2017 1.3 2018 0.7 2019 0 2020 -0.7 2021 -1.4 A total while in Anaheim of 16.7 War. 10/$240 contract means we are paying $14.3 million per WAR. So not worth it.
  13. And here I thought it would be about a new Bikini Basketball League.
  14. It's funny how people get upset over a holiday that celebrates death. I bet if it happened 3 weeks ago, there would be a lot of people dressed up as TSA agents. It's just the nature of the holiday.
  15. Tanaka first. If this doesnt happen, then it could go all over the place. But for ideal, Tanaka. $70 million post/5+2 total of $70 million contract. Competitive Balance hit, $10 million a year. Buerhle. They showed interest in Iannetta. He is owed $37 million over the next two years. Caveat is that the Marlins are paying about $6 million of it. So $31 million. They finished in last place in their division last year, when they should have competed for first. Also, their payroll was $36 million more than the previous year, and they already have $120 million committed to 2014. Yes, you read that right, $120 million, which is already $1 million more than 2013. IMO, they will be sellers this offseason. A package of Iannetta and Hanson for Buerhle, and we take on the entire salary. I would say Blanton, but they won't want him, but may want to take a chance on 2 years of Hanson to see if he can rebound to form. This would save the Jays about $17 million over 2 years. They could just cut Hanson and save even more. For the Angels, you may say how can we take on all this salary without going over the cap. Buerhle would cost $15 million next season. Vargas would have cost $14.1 million. Subtract Iannetta and Hanson, and that is a cap savings on about $8 million. So Buerhle would net an increase of $7 million, half of what Vargas would cost us. Combination Tanaka and Buerhle $17 million compeititive balance tax. Starting rotation of Weaver, CJ, Tanaka, Buerhle, Richards. Bullpen. Everyone may be focused on tanaka, and forget to bid on Yamaguchi. He's a 27 year old lefty setup man for the Yomiuri Giants. Or in other words the Japanese version of the New York Yankees. $12 million bid. 4 years/$12 million. competitive Balance Tax hit of $3 million. Frieri. Reason why I put him in here is people seem intent that we need a closer. Frieri was 11th in the league in saves last season with 4 blown saves. The leader in saves at 50 last season had 10 blown saves. The lowest in blown saves in the top 11 was 3. I think people on this board focus too much on the blown saves, when every closer does it. He will be fine in this role. So with that acquisition, you have in your pen. Frieri Yamaguchi Burnett - he will be a question mark, but hopefully will be ready. De La Rosa Jepsen Williams Blanton Blanton. We can't give him away, no one will take him. He did show some use as a long reliever towards the end. So garbage time, we bring him in. Williams. He showed that he could go those 2 innings and shut teams down. And he showed that he could start if needed. He will be an important part of the team next season. Maybe get another reliever for Jepsen. But I don't know if the team is ready to give up on him yet.
  16. Hopefully some team sees this and does a GMJ and trades with us.
  17. So...... 2014 8.7 2015 8.2 2016 7.7 2017 7.2 2018 6.7 2019 6.2 2020 5.7 2021 5.2 2022 4.7 2023 4.2 $ to war $7.07 million Total War 64.5 = 10 year $456 million. I think this writer was trying to make numbers work for him, by manipulating them.
  18. So he already has 15 autos. At this point, he should be considered a stalker.
  19. Umm. I'd rather not have Cogs score and be healthy there.
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