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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. here is one scouting report I've found. Not sure what it says. http://irfast.blogspot.com/2013/03/kenta-maeda-pitch-fx-scouting-report.html Here is what baseball america has to say. http://www.baseballamerica.com/majors/japans-kenta-maeda-wants-to-pitch-in-mlb/ From articles I've read in the past, he's projected to be a MLB 4 pitcher. But one comparison I've seen about his MLB projections is he's closer to Iwakuma than say a Darvish.
  2. Pfft. put together 4 of our scrubs, and I'm sure Tampa would take that offer in a heartbeat.
  3. Yeah, I'm already looking at Maeda as the one the Angels are going to get. Considering most on the geneouses on this board won't go above 3-4 years for Garza, and at his age, he is probably looking for 5-7 years as his final big payday. And Tanaka will just be a bidding war. Included in the bidding, with the Yankees, who did not spending all their dough on Cano, and the Dodgers ignoring the CBT. Angels bid $20 million on Maeda, and might be the high bid, and probably can get him to sign for 5/$50 million.
  4. In another 2 hours, he will be posted. Then 2 hours after that, he won't be.
  5. First, the posting fee is $30 million less than Yu. Second, it's not one team that will be bidding for Tanaka's services. It'll be 10, 20, maybe all the entire league making a play for Tanaka. And if 2 get hooked needing his services, it'll make an intense bidding war. And if Garza was going to sign for 5/$70 some team would have done it already. My bet is, he's going to try and get a 7 year deal. Which is his right, since this will probably be his last shot at a big contract.
  6. Seattle is the dark horse here. They have money to spend. They just made a splash with Cano. A King, Tanaka, Iwakuma starting 3 would be pretty good. And if it goes by the old posting rules. Once he's posted, and the team accepts the max bid, teams will have 30 days to work out a deal. Which tells me Garza will be signed way before Tanaka is.
  7. Unfortunately, according to my calculations. The Angels will have a tough time getting under the CBT for the next 4 years. Right now: 2014 $164 million 2015 $145 million 2016 $131 million 2017 $82 million And these are conservative numbers. Add in a front line pitcher on the cheap side at $15 million, and $24 million for CBT purposes on Trout. For a $189 million CBT that ends in 2016, who know if they will raise it with the new CBA. But considering it's purpose they may not. 2014 $203 million 2015 $184 million 2016 $170 million 2017 $121 million
  8. In a perfect nerdgasm world, Freese and Trumbo would equal out. But there is one thing that Trumbo is far superior to than Freese. And that is staying healthy. And the Angels track record on players getting hurt isn't that great.
  9. First, give him a 6 year contract to buy out 2 free agent years. After 3 years, extend him 3 more years if he continues to wow. In 12 years a lot can happen. And paying someone an average of $33 million a year, while also paying el hombre an average of $24 million a year is tying up a lot of money.
  10. Proposal for new A's stadium targets Port of Oakland Not familiar with the area. Does it have Foot Lockers?
  11. I think that is addressed in Article XX, section b, subsection 5.
  12. From the way I'm reading it, could be both ways. First, no new stadium. A refurb of the current stadium. Second. Arte develops the land on his own dime. Third. Any city taxes (which I assume is property taxes) would go to the Angels. Fourth. The city clears itself of $600k in annual maintenance costs. At least that's how I am reading it. So what it sounds like is the Angels get the master lease, and then subleases it to Arte's development company.
  13. https://www.asus.com/Tablets_Mobile/PadFone_Infinity/ Asus' official site.
  14. While I don't have access to the full article. This was on there.
  15. Apple and Samsung Could Be Dethroned by Asus' Radical New Device While dethroned is a bit extreme. Sounds like an interesting idea. A 5 inch smartphone, that can be docked with a 10.1 inch screen.
  16. Teen parents, grandfather let toddler smoke marijuana, authorities say
  17. The reason why the LA Times Sports section is in the toilet. Dwyre and Plashke. It could have been a really good article. But it was only about grandpa bitching that it's too cold.
  18. Yes in Japan the FA'cy domestically is 8 years. But players rarely elect to go that route. Like less than 10% and usually it's fringe players that elect to go this route. Internationally it's 9 years. So he will be posted next year, if he isn't this year.
  19. IMO, I think it's more of a length of excellence than anything. Outside of Bonds, if you look at any true great player, they have a timeframe of about 6-10 years in their prime. Then you will see their stats gradually decline. But this decline doesn't mean they aren't still above average players. Their decline years could still be greater than an average players numbers. For the angels, you need to control those 4-8 years, and let someone else grossly overpay for his declining years.
  20. Government Takeover: White House Forces Obamacare Insurers To Cover Unpaid Patients At A Loss
  21. And you would be incorrect. In Japan the team owns your rights for 9 years. He is in year 7. He can be posted next season, but will be a free agent the season after that. Just because they are entertaining posting him this offseason does not automatically make him a free agent the following season. 9 years sounds like a lot, but it's actually much less than in the US. In the US, a team has to put you on the 40 man by their 5th year. 4th year if over 19. After they put you on the 40 man, they have 3-4 option years. And after they put you on the MLB team, they have 6 years of service time. So in theory, you could be on a team from 18, and they could own your rights for as much as 15 years.
  22. Incorrect. He is not a free agent for another 2 years.
  23. Yes. 9 years till Japanese free agency. He just completed year 7. So the team has control of him for 2 more years. Also remember, he just lead the team to their first Championship. So him coming back for another year may have more benefit to the team than posting him for the same amount that they can get after next season.
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