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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Pertty obvious. NHL doesn't want the Ducks to win.
  2. For the price. I'd go neither. Because I think Balfour will be overpriced for something we already have. But I would think about Garza and Yoon if Yoon could be had at a reliever price.
  3. Man. How does a guy have a track record like him, then once on the Angels just completely implodes.
  4. The one thing you have to remember about Tanaka. He is in all intent and purposes a FA right now. But in the MLB world. Once he signs a contract. He becomes property of that team for 6 MLB experience year purposes. In some cases, a player may put in their contract that they become a FA after the contract expires. But since Tanaka's posting will be $20 million, I'm sure whatever team will want his services for the entire 6 year term.
  5. I think the Dogs did a good job with the deal. You don't want a contract to a mega star to linger in his last year before FA'cy. It's a distraction, because all everyone will be talking about and asking said player is, will you re-sign. Or FA'cy. Players say it won't be a distraction. But every reporter will be asking the FA question. for the Dodgers, it is good that it limits their liability to only 7 years. A lot can happen in 7 years. Look how quickly Halladay broke down. And just because they give him a 5+2, doesn't mean they can exclusively negotiate an extension later on. They can keep adding years if they both agree and see fit. This is what I think most people lose in the Trout talks. They think it's a finite 10 or more years so that you can lock him up. Where a lower deal like a 6-7 does the same thing, and reduces the risk. Because nothing says that after 3 years you can't negotiate another 3 years.
  6. YK, you need to just enjoy life and not let the little things bother you. You should just go outside without a care in the world. Life will be amazing if you do.
  7. http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-ducks-canucks-20140116,0,1216360.story#axzz2qab3Xpdo
  8. I believe in Howards case, he was a super 2 when he won the $10 million in arbitration. His next arbitration split was $18-14. But they signed a 3 year deal for $54 million $15/$19/$20.
  9. How arbitration is treated is totally different than what people get in FA'cy. There is no comparison. The only comparisons made is between say a guy like Felix, and what he made in his second year of arbitration. Lincecum would probably be another person he would be compared with, along with kershaw. 2 year of aribitration Lincecum bought out for 2 years in year 1 of arb 2/$23 ($13-8 split in arb figures) Felix bought out for 5 years in year 2 of arb 5/$78 ($11.5-7.2 split) Kershaw bought out of 2 years in year 1 of arb 2/$19 ($10-$6.35 split)
  10. Well, we've had enough Ronald McDonalds on his team. Time to give his brother a shot.
  11. This will only be possible if the earlier rumors were true and that Tanaka is only looking for $17 million a year. And the other rumor is true that Garza can be had for 3 years mixed with the other rumor that he could be had for $12.5 million a year. So on paper, sure, it possible. But on paper, the Angels were WS contenders last year.
  12. Was thinking. But if it's true, and we got Garza for 3 or 4/$45-50. How about that Korean dude? If you paid him reliever money, like $3 million a year, might be worth the gamble. No way would I pay him starter money though.
  13. You forgot all of the ribbing we gave Cepsedes after his video of him jumping?
  14. Now has me thinking that Close is using the Dodgers to make the Yanks or Angels chase a phantom bid by the Dodgers? One of those, hey dogs, I'll help you out with the Kershaw deal and get it done, but you have to help me out with getting a max bid on Tanaka. A tactic used quite well by Boras.
  15. Hmm. 6 or 7 years $175 for Tanaka. Would be the same as what Felix got, 7/$175. Sumtin Wong.
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/best-smartphones-ces-2014-033253085.html;_ylt=A0oG7krkytZSPWEAAxVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMTNuNTZzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw-- Here is another one based on what was at CES.
  17. If this whole circus continues with the lawsuits and smear campaign, especially if Arod starts naming names. I can see Bud's last act in office, on the day he retires. Dropping the nuclear bomb on Arod, and banning him for life. With the blessing of the MLBPU.
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