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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. I don't think the Freeman contract will have any bearing on Trout. It's just too different worlds. I also still don't think Trout will sign anything more than a 6 year deal, buying out 3 years of free agency. By the end of the 6 year contract, Trout would be 29. More than likely still in his prime, and able to get a 10+ year deal. You add 4 years to that, and he's 33. Might be on his downslope. But just the ability to get a 10 year deal is a lot easier when you are 29, than when you are 33. In the end, it'll be up to Trout. Wouldn't be surprised if he takes a 10 year deal, 6 year deal, or rides out his arbitration years. Angels can only force him to play the next 4 years. That's all the leverage they have. Now after saying all that, Freeman's contract might have a bearing on Stanton like Juan Rodriguez of the MIami sun sentinel says.
  2. Not a big fan. But considering how successful the Lego Star Wars stuff is. This will probably be pretty good. But I'll wait till it's out on cable.
  3. Surprised the Braves are going to take a chance like that. 8/$125 for a guy that had a breakout season. You look at his minor league numbers, and he never hit over .900 when he had a lot of playing time. This was his first year in arbitration, $5.75 vs $4.5 million. And especially for a team like the Braves. They don't have the money flexibility like other teams. Committing this much, especially since it's going to be backloaded. IMO, I would have waited to see if 2013 was a fluke or not first before committing so much.
  4. Man, the Ducks need to get their bills on right.
  5. On the flip side. Who's to say the Agents aren't still asking for ridiculous amounts, and that's why they aren't signed. Remember Santana's agent saying he should get over $100 million? Supposedly Seattle has interest. It would cost them a second round pick. I'm sure they are willing to spend that pick. But no way do I think they will pay anything close to $100 million. Heck, I don't even know if they would give him 5/$75. How bad would the agent look when telling his client I'm going to try and get you over $100 million, and then end up with half that? But it's easier to say it's collusion, or the system doesn't work. For Morales, who knows if a GM is already willing to pay 3/$24. But it could be the Agent that is looking for 3/$42 or higher. This is Boras afterall. And for a team to lose a first rounder, is a tough one to swallow. On top of that, the market for Morales is already half, since he's pretty much a full time DH. Morales is one of those cases where Boras should have known the market. If you think about it. NL is pretty much out. Boston, Angels, Yanks all have DH + some already. A's only go cheap. You rejected the Mariners. That leaves 10 teams, and you probably could eliminate half of them. So his market was already small.
  6. Yes, I believe they can. The amount can change though, since it's based on the average of the top 100 salaries or something like that.
  7. Also, I think one tweak that they could make to the compensation system is to make an qualifying offer a 2 year deal, instead of a 1 year deal.
  8. I think the new CBA, specifically the way former teams are compensated, is better than what was in place before. Kendrys turned down $14.1 million. That's on him and his agent. But in the previous system, it was based on position. So the top whatever percent were tied to first round compensation. The next so many percent were tied to I think second round compensation. You had a lot of pitchers, especially closers and relievers, in limbo because of the previous system.
  9. http://youtu.be/vx__oqcTcUU Here is that teaser trailer.
  10. Chuck is just mad because he swept the leg, and this time Ralph didn't get back up.
  11. Like to say I'm surprised. I'm not. Married the adopted daughter of a 10 year girlfriend, when the adopted daughter was 21. Which means he was in her life since the adopted daughter was 11.
  12. Well duh. Why would the east coast be talking about a black 25 year old that was nearly flawless in the Superbowl. Who do they think he is, Rothlesburger?
  13. Sooooooooo. Nate with a selfie in a Manning Jersey? Or Scott shaking Pujols Hand? Who's curse was worse? And dang Nate. You have only been in Wis for a few months. Didn't think you would go all hillbilly on us so quickly. Pretty soon all you will be typing is about duck hunting, and seeing angels on your toast.
  14. Remember it's a 2 part finale. But thinking back to the books. I don't remember him having a huge role in the last book. He had a bigger more significant role in the second book.
  15. They sold out on season ticket sales. So supply and demand.
  16. Why does it piss you off? A lot of people have a wife and three kids. And they work hard to support them and not resort to drugs. Sorry, but I'm tired of the celebrity, poor me, od on drugs. Celebrate. me. I say F them.
  17. I liked the 24 series. I really liked the teaser trailer earlier. I turned to my buddy and said that was the 24 sound wasn't it? So seeing the 24 trailer later was good for me.
  18. So I win because Chuck swept the leg right?
  19. After watching the game. It looked to me like Getzlaf has already checked out for the Olympics. Oh and Sbisa still sucks.
  20. What's funny is. The only memory of mine of going to a Rams Game. Is coming out of the stadium and seeing all the funny people with bags over their head. Don't have any memories of the game itself. Just a lot of bitching from these funny guys about Pat Haden.
  21. Chuck sweeps the leg of Spirit and Milehigh. Seahawks 17-Broncos 10 Chuck, you and spirit should have a bet. Loser wears the others jersey at the dinner for spring fanfest.
  22. Yay Sbisa. Way to leave your goaltender out to dry.
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