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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Win to go into the break. Nice to see Etem get the GW.
  2. One of my best kid memories was playing catch with my dad. I would tell the coach. Fine. Let them penalize the team.
  3. She has more guts than Chuck, getting in front of all those people and singing. Last time Chuck was in front of an audience like that, he cheated and swept the leg. You could tell she was getting more and more comfortable as the song continued. And I can see Chuck paying for singing lessons soon to get her to the next level. Oh, and Summer Fanfest, national anthem. Get on it Chuck.
  4. Just need to reach a settlement on the remaining $61 million owed to him, so he be gone.
  5. Fixed. And I still don't get how this bill is like Mike Trout.
  6. It'll be interesting to see how he performs. But that's a lot of money for a #3. Especially after your ace looked very hittable last season, and your other pitcher is approaching retirement.
  7. One step closer to Blanton in the starting rotation.
  8. Give up a first round pick, or second if your first is protected, for a one year rental. Angels should jump all over that.
  9. Bet when you turn her on, she makes you hot.
  10. Why is Ervin Santana still available? Only reason I'm posting this is to post this chart that was in the article.
  11. Nate moves to Milwaukee. Fine arts start to get stolen. Coincidence? I think the ring leader is still on the loose, and posting.
  12. If you cure his affluenza, then you can send him to jail since he no longer suffers from that horrible disease.
  13. Google Docs Chuck. We need to be able to post from Google Docs.
  14. That, I don't know. I know there is some kind of provision in the CBA about you can't trade a player during a certain time. Just can't find it when glancing through the CBA, and find out what it was regarding.
  15. Couldn't his diet have something to do with the increase in 20 lbs of muscle also? If he goes from a juice diet (I think that is what he was on) and changes it to a real diet with lot's of protein in it.
  16. I can't wait till someone goes to court in Texas and the defense is I couldn't help myself, that's the only way I knew how to do it, since I'm poor. And use this case as precedence.
  17. So next year, instead of seeing Head and Shoulder commercials with CJ and Hamilton, we will see Subway commercials with Trout and Hamilton? They are going to need a wider lens.
  18. Yes. They can sign him for whatever. But the Mariners already signed a DH.
  19. Strad, I think that would open it up for a wide range of problems. Would it be $14 for next years salary? $14 AAV? $14 total? $14 total is an obvious no go. $14 AAV would probably be a no go because then the union will say you are trying to keep long term deal values down. And $14 for next years salary would be collusion because teams would then backload contracts.
  20. All About Joby Ogwyn, the Guy Jumping Off Mount Everest for Discovery This could be interesting.
  21. He could still get a huge contract without signing for a long time. As Weaver said when he signed. There is only so much money that you need. I think we can all agree that he will get paid. All that is left is winning. If the Angels don't start winning, and by winning I don't mean just hoping to maybe make the wildcard, then I don't know if any amount of money you throw at him will keep him here.
  22. Reporters Arriving For Sochi Olympics Are Less Than Pleased With Nonexistent Hotel Rooms Sochi: Hotel Horrors Haunt Olympic Journalists
  23. What the fluff? A Sochi pillow shortage?
  24. In Russia, it's called hacking. In the US, it's called the NSA.
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