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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. I would have to disagree with you. The Angels need the CoA more than the CoA need the Angels. Really, what is in it for the CoA? Disney will be more than happy to step in and spend billions that will bring in lots more money into the CoA coffers.
  2. If the Angels left, I don't think the land would be empty for long. I think a certain amusement park would jump on the land, that would be located right next to a major transit terminal. They could then demolish the parking structure they currently have and expand. Create a new parking area, probably for employees, and possibly create a transit system between the terminal, pond, triangle, convention center, and park.
  3. I live 30 street minutes from HP. If the Angels moved there, I'd be ok with day games, but would not want to go there for any night games.
  4. 2012? They should have done it after 2011 if they thought he was still going to be a monster.
  5. I thought the McGwire/Sosa race was far more entertaining than Bonds. But it might be Bonds personality more than anything. He is up there with Reggie on my most personable list.
  6. Or Victorious Ghost. Come to think of it, anyone hear from him lately?
  7. Fail tweet of the year. But not a good sign when you suffer multiple strokes.
  8. Good news. She can go back to private schools now.
  9. Because it's an option. They go into it in detail in the CBA. But the gist was, options aren't considered guaranteed contracts.
  10. Baby steps Albert. First try and beat Bengie and Kendrys to first.
  12. Shouldn't we be asking sneakyflute about the best feet?
  13. Man the LA Open people must be pissed. That's going to affect attendance and hurt workers and players. Makes me wonder if this is the real reason why Phil dropped out. He cited his back. But we all know he liked to fly home after rounds since it was so close.
  14. Orioles To Sign Suk-Min Yoon Not a bad deal for the Orioles. Pretty much as expected. He's probably done as a starter, so pay him reliever money. But in case he does regain starter form, there are bonus' for games started. Also he has an opt out for free agency after 3 years.
  15. The calculations are done sometime after the WS. But with Trouts contract, if he signed it after opening day, it wouldn't take effect till 2015. Thus wouldn't count againt the CBT for 2014. But Angels are already at a conservative $147 million in CBT for 2015, $133 million for 2016. Even with Wells and Blanton coming off the books and not including the huge CBT hit that Trout will have.
  16. Wow. Yeah surprised it wasn't mentioned anywhere else. Anyone know how bad it was? Hope he gets well soon.
  17. I have a feeling Ichiro is going to get traded. Probably to a team that can give him a full time gig. I think he'll retire after next season after he gets to 3k. If he can that is.
  18. On a side note. Wonder if this gets the Yanks interested in Drew now? Especially if Drew can be had for a cheap long term contract.
  19. Prepare to be stunned. But this might be the only case that a Salary/WAR calculation might be appropriate. But you can't fortell the future, so you can only go by 2013 numbers, then say the contract probably won't be worth it.
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