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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Dodgers are probably paying top dollar to get on as many computers as possible. So I'm sure anyone that has baseball, and is located in the So Cal area are getting bombarded by them. There are extensions that you can put on your browsers that block all advertisements. I wouldn't mind these ads at all, but they seem to insist on streaming video advertisements over and over. So yeah, sorry Chuck, but the ads had to go.
  2. As long as Blacklist and Agents of Shield (what can I say, I'm a geek) isn't on the list. I could care less.
  3. Fans may strike out in battle over Dodgers' new TV home
  4. I think it's a year and 2 months. But unless we empty the farm completely, I don't think we have anything that would interest the Rays. And even that might not be enough.
  5. I think in a ballot, the answer to the first 2 would be a resounding no. Third one would depend on how much public funding was required. I just don't think a city, outside of a city the size of Los Angeles, can afford to foot the build for a stadium. Which then brings the Atlanta situation. The Braves new stadium isn't footed by a city. It's by a county, Cobb county. This might be one of those situations where the Angels might be better off trying to get Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties involved. Looking at the map SB County comes east through Ontario and as far south as Chino.
  6. Man, that was brutal listening to him talk. He took it like a pro. But you could tell in his voice that it hurt.
  7. Really was a good episode. I liked how they did the reveals. And can't wait to see Terminus.
  8. every year, for the last 6 years, his WHIP and ERA has improved. I wouldn't have minded him on the Angels at all.
  9. Napoli looks like he lived in some dorm in the offseason, and just woke up to go to class.
  10. Not sure the protection it receives. http://articles.latimes.com/2013/oct/14/local/la-me-airship-hangars-20131015
  11. http://seattle.cbslocal.com/2014/02/04/study-fatal-car-crashes-involving-marijuana-have-tripled/
  12. And nice article. Sometimes the little things go a long way. Which is why Trumbo also got some mad national props for what he did. Someone should introduce Santiago to the OC Miracle League.
  13. That's a different story than just first degree. I would agree if they had the choice of lesser charges, and couldn't reach an agreement, then something isn't right.
  14. No what you are saying is bullcrap. first degree. Murder that is deliberate and premeditated. Second degree. non premedidated killing from an assault in which death of the victim was a distinct possibility. (general definitions, Florida may have more distinct definitions.) A jury does not have the option of deciding if it was first or second degree. The jury can only decide on the charge that was brought before them, in this case first degree murder. By the sounds of it, the jury is split on the conditions of first degree murder. Does it mean the jury is stupid? No. It means from the testimony that the jury was able to decide on, that the conditions of first degree murder was not met without reasonable doubt.
  15. I don't know if they can pass the environmentals/traffic in that area. NFL stadium barely passed. Of areas in LA. Chinatown by Union Station would be intriguing, or even by Chinatown station. If you can buy the plots east of J Town, that is another possibility. And the area near the old Sears Building. I'm not sure what it is, but looking at Google ariel view, near olympic and santa fe. There looks to be a huge plot, right by the train maintenance center. Then again, the LA Times printing facility. Just as large as the Convention Center.
  16. So if Jeter is close to perfect. perfect being Jesus. Then that means that Jesus left gift baskets to all the women he slept with out of wedlock right?
  17. Only the drumstick is fried. The wing is still pretty raw. Blanton on the other hand is a chicken dinner on Rodeo Drive. Worth about a Costco $4.99 chicken, charged about $49.99 in a fancy restaurant, and still not as good as the $4.99 chicken.
  18. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/team-593349-million-city.html You should read that. Apparently the mods don't want you to read it, since it keeps getting deleted. If you think Sales Tax revenue is the way to go, then Disney already won. They would bring in much more revenue to the city, by redeveloping what they want next to Disneyland and using the stadium property as parking. Property taxes, which most, if not all, cities rely on for their main source of revenue, the CoA would get none of. So go ahead. Spout that Irvine is a better option. Pretty soon the Padres will be called the Los Angeles Padres because it brings in so much more revenue.
  19. You haven't read what the Angels are asking the CoA for did you? I can see why the Mayor is opposed to it. It brings ZERO money to the CoA. just like right now, the CoA gets zero money.
  20. I think because it was first degree murder. There are specific things attached to first degree. Can't pass judgement as a jury on emotions, they tell you exactly what first degree murder is, and then the Jury must determine if the defendant meets that criteria. I think for first degree, malice with planning is part of the definition.
  21. http://sports.yahoo.com/video/memorable-moments-other-olympic-miracle-172221182.html If you are a Miracle on Ice fan, it's definitely worth watching.
  22. No. You didn't read what I wrote. I said an employee parking structure. The current parking structure next to Disneyland would be demolished to build their new park. As Chimi stated, a Water Park or an Epcot type of park.
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