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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Hopefully it's not like this change in delivery. http://atlanta.braves.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20120213&content_id=26677354&c_id=atl
  2. Yes, punish him. Leave him at home. Or maybe punish him, and make him go and leave the wife at home.
  3. Preparing for the Zombie apocalypse. Either that or preparing for the Dodger apocalypse.
  4. Link didn't work. But I'd buy that for a dollar. Of course it'll probably be on a food truck, and they will be charging $7.50 because it's gourmet.
  5. I think it's a tough call. Before Howard signed the contract, the numbers were $14 million vs $18 million. But you also have to take into account that Howard won arb 2 at $10 million vs $7 million. There is really no comparison for outfielders. So just going off what Howard did. In 2006, year 1. Howard won an MVP 2006 a 1.084 OPS Got $0.9 million. Record for player with less than 2 years service 2007 a .976 OPS won arb 2 $10 million 2008 .822 OPS $18 vs $14 arb figures. signed a 3/$54 Trout 2012 a .963 OPS runner up MVP 2013 a .989 OPS runner up MVP A lot can happen in 2014. Just like in any year. And it's tough comparing to Howard because he was a super 2. I can see a $15 vs $20 if Trout continues and you compare to Howards year 4 contract. But I can also see a $10 vs a $15, because Howard got the bump from his super 2 contract for year 4.
  6. I think as arbitration numbers go. Ryan Howard is still the one that got most (for a position player) in bought out arbitration years. I think it was $15/$19/$20. If memory serves me (usually wrong) Lincecum was bought out of one arbitration years at $18 million, with an added $22 million for a second year. Kershaw had one year before FA'cy at $4 million but every year after that is $30 million+. So if you go $5/$17/$19/$21 for the arbitration + 1 years, $30 and $35 for the FA'cy years. That gets to $127 million, add a $13 million signing and you are at $140. I don't know if $150 is pushing it, because you really don't want to bloat those arbitration numbers up too much because it will already be the new precedence that every arbitration player will compare themselves to.
  7. So they are looking at extending him before the season starts it sounds like?
  8. How can this be true? The West Virginian tap water has such a nice licorice smell to it. Should have been the hands down or should I say drawers down winner.
  9. All he would have to do is sit on the plate, and no one will be able to score.
  10. Mike Trout to Red Sox. And I don't want to know what Josh does in the bathroom, although we have seen the Aybar Bee dance.
  11. No one is going to trade for a secondbaseman till after the all star break. By then, the Marlins, Blue Jays, Mariners, Mets, Brewers, Padres, White Sox, and Rockies will probably be out of it. And by that time, the Yankees, Pirates and A's may then look at Drew. Although the Yanks may sign him soon.
  12. http://msn.foxsports.com/olympics/story/winner-wins-beer-loser-keeps-bieber-the-usa-canada-stakes-have-never-been-higher-022014
  13. This probably does make a lot of sense. it's 2 years since this happened. If the evidence was a slam dunk, it would have been prosecuted by now. They probably have them on a bunch of circumstantial evidence. But considering they arrested the wrong guy, after the witnesses pointed that he was the one that did it. There is probably enough reasonable doubt to not risk wanting to take it to court. While I'm not happy that that's all they got, it's probably better than the alternative of them going to court, and possibly walking out free.
  14. http://youtu.be/pTZ2Tp9yXyM Haven't followed this comic at all. But it's not what I expected. Looks interesting.
  15. So we were all having discussions all offseason about what Trouts extension might look like. Then MLBTraderumors posts this. AL West Links: Cruz, Franklin, Trout, Russell It went from 10/$200 to either 10/$300 or 7/$200. Figuring the 3 arb years will be $12/$16/$20 for a total of $48 million. That would mean the 7 year deal is in the $38 million a year in free agency. The 10 year deal is in the $36 million a year in free agency.
  16. Haha. What language Stan Lee has developed.
  17. As NMH said, no. But the Angels would need approval from the MLB in terms of having financing deals in place. The harder part will be to get city permission. I think it took 2-3 years just to get the environmental side of thing approved for the Convention Center football stadium. Just because a football stadium was approved, doesn't mean that a baseball stadium will be approved. Because now you are dealing with 8 Sundays, to 81 games throughout the week. And to make matters even worse. You would go from pretty much in control of your stadium, to being under AEG's thumb.
  18. DH only. Put Kendrick at first. Put Kendrick in LF. Heck, put Shuck in LF. Or Cowgill. Or Green. We have plenty of options, where Raul can just focus on hats for bats.
  19. I hope that software update comes soon. With our luck, it'll have bugs, and instead of stopping the certain Hombre, it'll send him, but always stop that fish guy at first.
  20. It's in the best interest of their fans. It's the other 90% of So Cal viewers that get screwed to shell out more money on their cable/dish bill.
  21. Baserunning error simulator should also be smart enough to know who's running. Especially a certain Hombre that tries to stretch a single into a double.
  22. Dodgers are probably paying top dollar to get on as many computers as possible. So I'm sure anyone that has baseball, and is located in the So Cal area are getting bombarded by them. There are extensions that you can put on your browsers that block all advertisements. I wouldn't mind these ads at all, but they seem to insist on streaming video advertisements over and over. So yeah, sorry Chuck, but the ads had to go.
  23. As long as Blacklist and Agents of Shield (what can I say, I'm a geek) isn't on the list. I could care less.
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