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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Virtue: behavior showing high moral standards. So exactly how is Cardinal virtue different than Angel virtue? Besides the spiritual obvious that Cardinals prefer little boys and Angels come from heaven. And the baseball virtue that the Cardinals gave a lot of money to a convicted PED user.
  2. Time for China to ban knives. It would also be negligent for the US not to ban knives also.
  3. Fox completes deal for YES Network Thought the YES Network was the Yankees cash cow? Couple this with the Yankees constantly trying to get under the CBT cap. Makes me think that either they are losing tons of money, or they are getting ready to sell while the gettings good.
  4. Grats Boudreau. Fastest coach to 300 wins. 21 games left. Finish strong.
  5. Nice to see some jump with the players. Much better than before the break.
  6. Chinese Government Media Calls U.S. Ambassador Racial Slur
  7. Kendrick had 7 in 190 AB's. 27.1 HR/AB Lindsey 17 in 508 AB's. 29.88 HR/AB Wood 25 in 453 AB's. 18.12 HR/AB AA is a long ways from the MLB.
  8. Note to self. If I ever get a pacemaker, I am going to get a tattoo on my chest. If found dead, please check batteries.
  9. Exactly. If the demand/ratings was there, they would expand the coverage. It's not there. Something Comcast is going to find out the hard way. If they already haven't found out by the Lakers.
  10. The sad reality is, who do we have as pitching depth. If we go by Weaver, CJ, Richards, Santiago, and Skaggs, who do we have if someone inevitably goes down to injury? Shoemaker didn't exactly light it up in AAA the last 3 seasons. Although his numbers are improving, a 4.64/1.31 at AAA doesn't exactly scream success at the MLB level. My gut tells me, if Blanton is released, it won't be till after April or May. They won't press the panic button, until they know they can't get any value from Blanton, in the form of around a 4.5 ERA, 1.35 WHIP.
  11. So is Fox trying to tank the WS ratings so much so that they can put it on Fox 1 and tank them even more?
  12. How Clubs Determine Pre-Arbitration Salaries Just listening to what the team and Trout are saying, sounds like the Angels have a specific formula.
  13. Look on the bright side. The Dodgers have SP throw 3 pitches the first time out.
  14. They closed that loophole after Pujols signed his contract.
  15. In 2002, saw a spring training game and a hockey game broke out. Just saying.
  16. Jeff, you'd know the answer to this. Can a signing bonus be split? For instance, can the signing bonus for a 6 year deal be say $28 million. $10 million up front, and $3 million a year? And when I say up front, like if Trout signed the contract tomorrow, he would get paid the $10 million tomorrow. And if that scenario goes through, would the $10 million still count towards the AAV for the contract and not count towards this years CBT? I think the answer is yes, it would not count towards this years CBT. Just not sure if you can make a signing bonus structured that way, since I've only seen signing bonus' at once, or during a certain time period, or even past the contract. Might be a way to get around the CBT, and keep the year 3 payroll as a record (think $100k over the previous year 3 contract), but not an earthshattering record that every team would curse the Angels over. Angels would also be able to spread the big payments an extra year.
  17. Exactly. That's why I don't think the buyout portion even counts towards the CBT.
  18. CBT purposes, I don't think a team option counts. Page 106, 5 a i of the CBA.
  19. Don't they still use the DH is the American League team wants to?
  20. Some people will do anything, so as not to go to Australia.
  21. They do, but usually for CBT purposes, it's a wash year. They only take guaranteed contracts, so an option isn't considered a guaranteed contract year.
  22. Did Josh Reddick make the catch of the year on the first day of exhibition games? Wouldn't go as far as catch of the year. But still pretty impressive.
  23. Union should be happy. He just set a record for a 3rd year players. He will shatter a record for contracts to a 4th year player. And when he's 29, and he continues, he could be the first $40 million a year player.
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