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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Needed that win. Let's roll into the playoffs.
  2. The first smartphone case ever that I actually want to use A bit on the pricey side. But a neat concept.
  3. So makes me wonder. What mistakes were made, where he didn't make the call?
  4. Oh yeah, that is one I have to add. Mulder eh. But just the Scioscia for Gretzky line is worth it.
  5. Updated with Blanton and Alvarez. I don't think I've missed anything else.
  6. I'd put Richards, Alvarez, and Skaggs competing for the 2 starter jobs, with one going to AAA to get regular starts. At least IMO.
  7. I think they will start 6 in the pen, and DDLR will probably go to AAA on a injury rehab stint. So 2 from the list of Rasmus, Kohn, Lyon. Kohn has options btw.
  8. Actually, for CBT purposes, the Angels are in worse shape next year, than they are this year. Google Docs Chuck.
  9. I don't think even Texas would be that desperate. The balls would be flying out of that stadium. Seattle though....
  10. No not this year. Astros are lowest at $44 million.
  11. Yankees priciest road ticket; Cardinals, Braves among bargains I'm actually surprised at some of the worst and best road draws. A's and Ray's on the top portion. Cards, Phillies, Giants, Braves on the bottom.
  12. MLB working toward new PED deal, would increase suspensions What do you guys think? Enough? Not enough? Florida?
  13. Biggest reason for the Braves is they are locked into a long term worst TV deal in baseball.
  14. While I would like to bag on them. At least they spend the money on the field. Part of the reason why McCourt was hated is he pocketed the money while continuing to gauge the fanbase.
  15. Since when did AO go visit Cuba? Hope he brought us back some cigars.
  16. Report: Yasiel Puig goes clubbing in Hollywood despite injuries (VIDEO)
  17. Actually I was mistaken. This article sums up what can happen. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/missing-jet/mh370-families-might-get-millions-if-theyre-american-n61521 So if the residence was in the US, they could sue there.
  18. And where would that be? Just because they are Americans, doesn't mean they can go to court here to sue. They would have to go to Malaysia, or probably China to sue. And both those countries might recognize that the only thing they are owed is the price they paid for a ticket.
  19. I wonder if it's possible that something catastrophic happened on their way to Vietnam. Where gradual decompression took place. Their first heading would be to head towards land. Once at land, you go to the other side, and follow the coast down to Kuala Lumpor (I think that was their origin). If they pass out on the way there, then go in a straight line to off Australia. Here is a question. I wonder what the oxygen supply is on the emergency masks the pilots have.
  20. The problem is, that is American thinking. Laws are very different in countries. And a $5k payout might actually be huge and unheard of in Malaysia.
  21. Yeah, even on the news, it's not getting the pub it should. Hopefully they find more alive. They are saying that it's tough to figure out an exact count because most of them were on the highway that runs through that town. Hopefully they find survivors trapped in their cars.
  22. From the brief glance, it's odd that tickets are cheaper on the Angels site, than on Stub Hub or Ticket Exchange.
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