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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. This is just a fascinating video if anyone is interested. It was shown to investors, in hopes of selling them into investing in that comic book movie that became a classic back in 1988. http://www.theverge.com/2014/6/23/5836024/warner-bros-investors-needed-to-see-this-film-before-making-tim
  2. So hopefully their ship isn't captained by any former Exxon or Korean Ship Ferry Captains.
  3. He would have been perfect on Adam's Softball team. Although he might be too thin.
  4. One other note. For the tailgate, we raised in the area of $300 for Miracle League, on top of what was raised at the softball game.
  5. So the games went like this. Adam brought the softest softballs possible for the games. game 1. Chuck vs Cory. Cory had a 4 run lead going into the later innings. But Chucks team kept nibbling away, until they passed them up in the end. Although Chuck did stack the deck a bit by having Victor Rojas, and stealing Kent French. Hope Kent feels better, after pulling his hamstring. Game 2. Adam vs Mark. The typical grudge match. Was even trading back and forth blows. But in the end, GotBeers team pulled out a few runs in the last inning and finally put away Adams team. Championship game. Chuck vs Mark. Was a seasaw game, until we ditched the nerf balls, and then the balls went flying. Chuck's team put a 10 spot on GB's team late, and while we put a 5 spot up, it wasn't enough to overcome the huge lead. So congratulations Chuck. You finally swept the leg, and hoisted the trophy.
  6. Tailgate was a bunch of fun like always. And thanks to Tim Mead for being as gracious as ever with his time and insight. it was great meeting a bunch of old friends, and also meeting some new one's. And what a game to top it off. Although Mancini, dude, stop trying to put your nuts in Cory's mouth.
  7. Legal system, no matter where, is so screwed.
  8. And I believe you would be wrong with both. Kikes was a term originated at Ellis Island. Yankee was a term used by the British.
  9. No, but you can buy the yankees, and keep it the same and demean all Americans, except the all important north west. Because historically, Yankee has been a derogatory term towards Americans for far longer than Kikes as been to Jewish. And yet one is acceptable.
  10. Brad Richards gets buyout from NY Rangers, nets over $20 millionI think this makes him a FA. He might move to the top of the list, and save the chips for a Dman.
  11. and those need to be raffled/auctioned at fanfest.
  12. How about Vikings? I attribute them to murderers, pillagers, and rapists. Shouldn't they be banned also? Then again, there are Raiders.
  13. Don't know the details. But if you are juggling a lot of things in the morning. And your wife puts the kid in the car and while you are preoccupied when she says to drop him off at daycare. And you are late, and rushing to work. And the kid doesn't say a word. Not excusing it. But these types of situations probably come up more than the headlines make you believe. How many times, when you child is/was small, do you watch the child in one room, get preoccupied with laundry or dishes, or cleaning, and the kid is all of a sudden is in another room/outside? How many times, do you bathe your child, the phone rings, so you run to go pick it up for 10 seconds? How many times does a spouse bring a kid into the room and says watch him/her, and you don't even notice since you are doing something else. Again, it's an extreme, but these things don't make you a murderer/bad parent.
  14. I'll be sure to get ready to tip my cap. Aw. Screw that, we will win.
  15. So does this mean Trout will be wearing neon green under his Angels uni?
  16. Might as well ban Fighting Irish. I mean, how stupid is it to characterize a race as short green fighters. Then again, Yankees is also a derogatory term to much of the world, and probably the south. Both should also be gone from the patent office.
  17. Got to admit. Props to East coast Rob. It's a long load, since ABC has a crap system. http://abc7.com/sports/nyc-sports-anchor-makes-good-on-kings-rangers-bet/125097/
  18. Derek, you playing in the free roll at commerce on Sun?
  19. No, he wasn't given a qualifying offer of $13ish million. And he was available late too. But a lot of question marks and baggage attached to that signing.
  20. According to capgeek, Koivu, Winnik and Hiller are unrestricted free agents. So I'm sure that had something to do with it. But Koivu was at $2.5 million last season, and Winnik was at $1.8 million. They could be back. But I'm sure the Ducks are looking to get the big fish first, before completing the roster.
  21. http://m.mlb.com/video/v33804955/laacle-fans-search-for-ibanezs-lost-foul-ball/?c_id=mlb They are still looking.
  22. Have to enter through Douglas if you want to get in early right?
  23. By hitting the cages, you mean the bunting cage right?
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