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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/fire-damages-magic-mountain-roller-coaster-210931827.html Right at the highest point too.
  2. Isn't that another name for politics?
  3. the Polish Ripper just doesn't have the same ring.
  4. After Syria and Iraq, Islamic State makes inroads in South AsiaWould not be surprising if they quickly went through Pakistan.
  5. Had some when in Vegas. Donuts aren't as sweet as Krispy Kreme. Which is fine by me. Coffee on the other hand, didn't have that burnt or strong flavor like Starbucks. So it also worked for me, but some people might prefer that stronger taste. Plus it wasn't overpriced like Starbucks coffee. The combination of coffee and donut are probably slightly above a typical donut shop in price and quality.
  6. I forgot about that whole incident. As for Dog or Cat. Ewww. But hey, in India, we are probably barbarians and going to hell for eating cow. Also, surprised Mexico wasn't on the list for dog. My friends told me stories about the "Carne Asada" from street vendors.
  7. I think Malasia Air showed that it isn't difficult at all to lose an airliner. And while Britain is on high alert and quite a far ways away, if I was Italy, Israel and Spain, I'd be even more worried. Spain has been a target for large scale terrorist attacks before. Italy has the Vatican. And Israel is Israel. Another target might be Dubai. The extremists might see that as the Arab rich on the backs of the poor. Come to think of it, Paris might be a target also. France is in political turmoil, and they have done things to Muslims in their country that might piss off the extremists.
  8. Chechen leader, Putin pal vows to crush ISIS after threat against Russia So far, I like the butter on this popcorn.
  9. Well, good news Bak, is that ISIS just challenged the country that has one of the largest amount of Orthodox Catholic's in the world.
  10. Get out the popcorn folks. IS militants vow to 'de-throne' Putin over Syria support
  11. Who is putting up ‘interceptor’ cell towers? The mystery deepens Weird tech stuff.
  12. Just my two cents. But I'm wondering why the international community isn't rallying to oust this? Assad questionably uses a WMD, and it's War Crime tribunal, he must be destroyed, let's arm ISIS and all the rebels. ISIS is pretty much doing to the Christians what the Nazi's did to the Jews, and the international community is sitting on their hands. Right now, you have Russia to the north looking like they will be swallowing up all their former states. You got ISIS on a rampage in the middle east. It's only inevitable when they expand to the rest of the middle east, including Israel, and more likely much of Africa. And say ISIS gets their hand on a nuke? Anyone here have any doubt that they would have no problem lobbing it at Jeruselum or even Rome? China is quietly expanding and pissing off all their neighbors. It's like we are watching WW3 develop before our eyes, and it looks like everyone would rather have WW3, than stop it from happening.
  13. Beheaded journalist Sotloff hid his Jewish faith from ISIS captors
  14. Next time don't wear the ski mask. But in all seriousness, yeah it's weird. Usually they will ask for an atm card and pin number. But I did just use my account number once, and deposited cash. They didn't ask for ID, but on the receipt it only gave the account it was deposited too. No balance or other information.
  15. Glad the U.S. government was so behind the Arab Springs.
  16. What is the ETA on the stadium completion? Also when talking about Vegas, it's nice that fans of the teams will jump and go visit. But Clark County has over 2 million residents, based on 2010 numbers that I found, which would rank it 13th in the nation. That being said, Maricopa County, where Phoenix is located, is ranked 4th. But if you use UNLV as an example, that area is yearning for a pro team. They were top 25 in the country in home attendance for something like the last 5 years. The Vegas hockey team will just need a solid owner. And not one that bankrupted the team, and left it to die in the desert.
  17. yeah, I think you might have one person manning the "security". But overall, I think the cameras are in place for after the fact. A lot may be in place to monitor employees, and review footage if an employee is suspected of anything. After the fact robbery. And as phone stated, real time may only be for suspicious activity or people.
  18. Looks like they chopped off the head of the other reporter. http://news.yahoo.com/un-provides-aid-record-4-1-million-syria-103002946.html
  19. I think you mean pitcher. There was no staff, and some would say including coaching.
  20. Not only big box retail stores. But even mom and pop stores and restaurants.
  21. Japanese high school game spans four days and 50 innings On the bright side. They only used 2 pitchers. /doh
  22. Soldiers or those in war zones, it is probably a great tool to have. Criminals. This would be a great tool. To the point that with tracking, you could probably release a great many of them. It would change the scope of the justice system. For instance, instead of the three strikes, and lifetime jail. Three strikes, and you can't step foot in California again. Personally, it should be up to the individual. But considering people love to get tracked on facebook with their every move. I'm sure for many they would find it a convenience.
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