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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. If this is true, I just wonder where the international tribunal is? Heck, we aren't done hunting down Nazi's. We aren't done taking their assets. We aren't done giving back what was taken. Guys in Africa. Guys in the middle east. Cut off the money, THEN hunt all of them down. They were guards just following orders, who cares. Do to them like we have done to the Nazi's. Someone buys their oil on the black market, you freeze whoever bought that oils assets, and take what was wrongfully gained. Would any company buy their oil? Our money would be better spent, chasing and taking the money, instead of wasting it on a battle that is constantly being funded by blood oil. You look at the articles on why people are leaving the "US choice" for freedom fighters against Assad. The main reason people are leaving isn't because they are losing, or because they don't believe in the cause. It's because they don't get paid. You look at ISIS, and I bet about 90% of their soldiers have no better option. How many US citizens would fight for ISIS if they offered them $30 an hour? In the middle east (according to this article what a person in India makes), $80 a week is 4x more than what they could get working at McDonalds. One year, that is $4,160. A million dollars pays for 240 hypothetical soldiers. They are making billions selling black market oil.
  2. Sounds like Scotland may become the next Greece, if this vote goes through. Would make tourism in England/Scotland a nightmare if they had two different currencies. Just from the juice the exchange rates get.
  3. Sadly, on the news today, they were talking about how much time that he would serve. And the experts said probably none, and one of the reasons they listed was because he had no feet, and it would constitute cruel punishment or some bs.
  4. I read an article, might have posted it in the Iraq thread. But in it, said that ISIS was expanding into Pakistan, Afgahnastan, and small parts of India. Mainly taking over Al Qaeda areas. And the funny reason, that Al Qaeda was getting too old, and that they were slow on taking action.
  5. I'd have to disagree. IMO, I thought that Russia should take care of Syria, and a coalition should take care of Iraq. Remember, ISIS directly threatened Putin and Russia. But with all the bantering that Obama has done against Putin, unless Bashir was in imminent threat of defeat, I really think he's going to watch and laugh as we try to win a battle from 3000 miles away. (and by that I mean this drone battle with no troops on the ground)
  6. Wow. I know the Kings did lose a few people in the flight. I think they were scouts.
  7. he's going to run to the bank with a new book deal.
  8. IMO, I think it's going to fail miserably. I look at like this. You have a huge bee hive that is getting bigger and bigger. So the solution is to throw rocks at the beehive till the bees disappear. Sure you may kill a few bees by throwing rocks. But eventually the bees will get more and more agitated, and will eventually attack the rock thrower. All the while the beehive will have a few holes in it, but still be growing. Also, his arm the moderate rebels in Syria is just laughable. So what now prevents Russia from saying, we are going to better arm Bashir so that he can better fight ISIS? Heck, I already think that Russia will roll into Syria soon, regardless.
  9. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obama-pledge-relentless-effort-destroy-isis-address-nation/story?id=25407383 http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/obama-isis-speech-airstrikes-forces
  10. I'd get smart glasses before a smart watch. And I like wearing watches. But just for telling the time. I can take out my phone for everything else. I guess for fitness people, I can see a use for it. But I'm sure there are cheaper better alternatives. And at least with glasses you can record what you are seeing. (side note, I don't understand these police forces using these cameras fixed on their body. What your body is pointing at, and what the police officer is actually observing can be two totally different things) Another big question, how does a watch hold up under the sun? Or is it like a smartphone, and you can barely see it?
  11. I see bikers differently. On the street, they can be managed. Give them room and pass. It's those that decide that street, sidewalk, whichever is their most convenient that are the problems. I can watch for a pedestrian walking, and wait for them. I can't watch for bikers hauling ass down the sidewalk at 20-30 mph, and when pulling into a driveway, almost hit them because they were some 10 houses behind me when I started to pull in. Or some bicyclist zooming out onto the street from the sidewalk. If you are going to pass all these laws about bikes and cars. Then the first law that should be put in place is no bicycle riding on the sidewalks. Or maybe more specifically, no bicycle riding over 5 mph on the sidewalks.
  12. I wonder if there are laws in place for bicyclists. Tired of these bicyclists doing 20 down the sidewalk, and zooming through intersections in the crosswalk. Most of the time, almost getting hit by vehicles taking a right turn, and blaming the vehicle.
  13. China is building islands in the South China Sea Guess that's one way to expand into other countries areas, and get around international waters.
  14. Saku Koivu has retired He should have retired with Teemu at the end of the season. But I have a feeling he will sign a one day contract with Montreal and retire as a Canadian.
  15. Was surprised how poorly that film did at the box office. Opening weekend was packed, and I thought word of mouth was good. Wonder if it just got lost among all the other big films? Because I thought it was one of the better films of the summer.
  16. It's the cliff overlooking the ravine. Just don't be a Giants fan checking out the Ravine, or else you might get pushed.
  17. I actually liked A&E's Flight 93 over United 93. I thought Flight 93 focused more on the people, and United 93 more on the event. But in my lifetime, that day was a generational defining moment for the US. We could have done what the terrorists were expecting, and cower and be scared. But instead we rallied and united.
  18. http://technologybehindtheworld.blogspot.com/2013/02/evolution-of-smartwatch.html History of the smartwatch. Microsoft Spot Watch 2004. Too bad they couldn't update that watch with a android or apple skin.
  19. California, you are up to bat. But going on the Scottish vote thing. I'm surprised it's as easy as a 50.1% local vote. In the US, pretty much you have to have a revolution to break away from the US.
  20. Insanely Drunk Woman Tries To Pick Up Child From School: Cops OK, how the hell do you have a .413 BAC and still be alive?
  21. First video was funny. Second video, boring. so what is gamergate about? I've heard rumblings about it. Then again, I've seen general game chat, what I saw in video 2 isn't surprising.
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