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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Five Guys vs. In-N-Out Burger: Can You Guess Which Is the Better Business? Just for you Strad.
  2. US Turns $486 Million Afghan Air Fleet into $32,000 of Scrap Metal
  3. Marvel Comics' 'Secret Wars' Break Out as 3-Year 'Time' Storyline Expires I loved this story line back in the day. While it sucks everyone isn't in it. It really is interesting how they are going about it.
  4. I agree in this, in theory. But what is surprising, going at another media, or medium, ah whatever English Cop. But looking at movie prices. I don't buy movies, but occassionally look at the Play store. But it seems that even digital downloads are the same as what a new DVD/Blu Ray disc would cost. So the digital way has had little effect on mass media. eBooks even seem to cost as much as a new actual Book cost. And way more expensive then a book on Amazon's used bookstore or Abe Books. For instance. I bought hardcovers of the Catching Fire series for about $5 bucks used including shipping each. On sale, on google play the digital download is $8.57. And new, the paperback sells for $8.32 at Barnes and Noble. So I just don't think that there is going to be any kind of savings at all. Probably more of a cost, since now you have to have techs everywhere. And on top of that, it seems that the big trend lately is to teach some obscure way that confuses most parents on how it works. Which also means that teachers have to be trained on these obscure teaching methods, then having to explain it to parents.
  5. Benedict Arnold. He's the one that invented that egg right?
  6. Hong Kong Protests Unresolved After Talks Collapse Like China/hong Kong was really going to talk anyways. Get ready for part 2. Which probably won't end as quietly as part 1.
  7. CDC Director on Ebola: 'The Only Thing Like This Has Been AIDS' Time to panic!!!
  8. IMO, so many things wrong with what the science types have said. first you need to communicate with other vehicles. What if, like 90% of vehicles out there, they can't communicate? Drive in pods. So what happens when someone cuts into that pod? And don't say it will never happen, because I've seen cars cut through 3 lanes of traffic before, trying to get to an offramp 100 feet away. Heck, just cars trying to merge left right to get off on freeways. Does a pod recognize like a human can that a car is trying to merge in, especially when it seems like 50% of cars out there didn't purchase the optional turn signals? In a closed environment, I think self driving cars would work well. But once you put humans into the equation, well, as the old saying goes. Once you make something idiot proof, someone invents a better idiot. And there are a lot of idiots on the roads with and without licenses.
  9. Regarding the playoffs. I'm one of those that believes that teams that go into the playoffs on a roll go further in the playoffs. I do not like teams sitting on their laurels, all secure and waiting for a team to come to them. See Angels, and Ducks last year. Where the Kings and Royals scratched their way into the playoffs, and had the momentum to keep it going, firing on all cylinders. Just my opinion though.
  10. This is British courts. They may have very different laws regarding gambling than the U.S. I'll wait and see what the U.S. courts say.
  11. Since it's a national monument, I can no longer unzip and take a wizz on a tree?
  12. Crap, I hope I don't get sick then. Because I'd have to go to St Vincents.
  13. Yeah, I would think that mission clinics are more like Free Clinics here. The scary thing is, that government clinics are probably run with little oversight. Heck, I wonder how many government or whatever run clinics have actual doctors. And who those doctors are certified by. Their care of service might be posting on AW.com and asking for medical advice. At least with the missionary clinics, the doctors are doctors somewhere in the world. U.S., Britain, Canada, etc. So while they they may be underequipped and such, at least they won't send someone with Ebola, home with cold medicine. oh wait, scratch the U.S. off the list.
  14. Comments on the articles are no better. LOL. I will think their 1 star ratings are going to continue to rise.
  15. LOL. Now what were we talking about again? Ebola, ISIS, or what Adam ate for lunch?
  16. And so it starts. With flu season starting, get ready for mass panic and packed emergency rooms. Woman from plane that landed in Texas being checked for Ebola
  17. Turkey Kurds: Kobane protests leave 19 dead I think Turkey might have killed more Kurds yesterday than ISIS has. Could this be the start of a revolution there?
  18. I read about the Friday. But I thought they changed to a new delivery service? If it is day 4 or 5, might as well stick a fork in them.
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