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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Yeah, I'm thinking it's not a lightsaber but a flamesaber. Not sure what that piece in lore is though. Tried looking it up and nothing really comes up on it.
  2. I'm with you on the cheapo android tablet. I use one, and it accomplishes what I want. But lately I've been using the phone a lot more than the tablet. So truthfully, I don't know if I would use a windows tablet. Maybe if it could load a desktop game? But even then, I think it would be very limited.
  3. I might actually load 1, 2, and 4. Some nice stuff there.
  4. Wonder if John Dough and Jane Dough were in attendance of the Service, or were missing? You know Dill Dough was there trying to get one last poke in.
  5. One kid, probably did more good for blacks, than all the protesters combined. Which means he will get ignored.
  6. New Star Wars Lightsaber Angers The Internet LOL. People really need to get outside and take a walk or something.
  7. This might help also. http://www.hockeymonkey.com/jersey-sizingchart.html Maybe not. lol. But at least you will have an idea.
  8. One thing to remember with hockey jerseys. Especially if you go to the games, you usually are layered underneath. So even if it's too large it doesn't matter. Just make sure it's not too small.
  9. Come to think of it. There might be another reason why they came out with the trailer now. Wasn't this supposed to be a summer of 2015 film? I think all Star Wars films are summer films. In a way, was it to tell everyone it's December and not Summer of 2015 to give fair warning? For most people, it doesn't matter. But for some, that's a huge change.
  10. Got to admit though. That Falcon scene was pretty kick ass.
  11. I think Mr. Watson covered it all. And from both sides.
  12. Is This The Final Straw? Uber's Android Application--"Literally Malware" Yikes.
  13. AT&T told to stop calling U-verse the “Fastest Internet for the price” Had to post this. Just for the comment at the end. Make sure you read top to bottom, it's a short article.
  14. For those that are saying that they use very little. How much do you think you use? Because free at 5 mb might be all you need.
  15. Woman Arrested After Posing with Stolen Credit Card
  16. Knock knock. Ding dong. Wing wong? Ping pong.
  17. I wonder how much the mumps had to do with this teams recent issues. While only 3 got the mumps. I would think the entire teams immune system has been fighting off the infection.
  18. Going on a different angle. But how much of this is the fault of the media, mainly CNN? Because every time I turn on CNN, they are ignoring the facts of the case, and say the people are rioting. They focus on the riots, and not on what evidence came up. And every time they show a picture of brown, it's not the current picture where he is 6 something close to 300 lbs. It's when he was like 13, looking cute with headphones on. It's like CNN is trying to play Elliot Carver in Tomorrow Never Dies, and step by step they are trying to make the news to fit their sensational agenda. Poke that bear, nope no sensationalism. Poke that bear, nope no sensationalism. Poke that bear, wait did he flinch. Everyone come here, keep poking him and poking him, until the bear wakes up, then keep poking him until he mauls someone, then it's bear mauls people, bears are dangerous, everyone arm yourselves against bears.
  19. Replace white with America, and black with Islam/ISIS.
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