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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Just going to be weird seeing him in a different uni. While it won't tarnish his legacy. You just won't be able to lump him in with greats playing for one team. Which is a shame.
  2. What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger? That's all I got, because this is getting ridiculous. Crossing my fingers that this just means we will be healthy come playoff time.
  3. Switch to Sprint, Cut Your Data Bill in Half So what do you all think? Desperation move? Too little too late? 1/2 price isn't worth it for shitty service? What will Tmobile do to top it? What about current customers? When does throttling exactly happen? I don't really know if this will help them at all.
  4. Is that what went wrong with my blinker. Stupid mechanic said it was a solenoid or turn signal flasher or some BS. All I needed was some fluid. Crooks those mechanics.
  5. Meet the woman spearheading the federal probe of Ferguson This will be interesting depending on the outcome. Hopefully she won't get swayed politically.
  6. All that was missing from that police report was I didn't want her to come back and kill me as a zombie.
  7. It's just like the backlash that I think it was one of the Cosby Show kids created when she said she wasn't black. She was American.
  8. Ten. here is another question for you, that probably you and LB can answer. Do you treat someone who is jaywalking differently than someone that committed strong armed robbery? Because in this case, it started at jaywalking, but then came to a realization that he might have a strong armed robber on his hands.
  9. Found a picture of the LAPD tasers. It's pretty bulky for all officers to be carrying around.
  10. Ten Ocho, isn't tasers used by police also fairly large? Plus doesn't it requires specific certification and training? I remember seeing a group of 3 LAPD cops, and only one had a taser. It was huge thing strapped to her leg. Probably twice the size of a regular gun.
  11. It's interesting what countries may be in trouble. And what the break even points may be. For Some Nations, Saudi Arabia's Oil Price War Is An Existential Threat Break-Even Points for U.S. Shale Oil
  12. Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decisionI think he hit the nail on the head though.
  13. It's a magic bullet and punch. Brown, stretch arm stronged from 50 feet away to punch Wilson. Wilson then shot him with magic bullets, that passed Brown since his back was turned, then turned around and hit him in the front, going through him, and grazing Wilson's gun on the way back, after then wiping Browns blood inside the squad vehicle. The bullet then turned around, and passed Brown yet again, did another u turn to dislodge in the wound. It makes total sense.
  14. Don't you know. The expert medical examiner that's on all the news stations, especially on CNN, isn't even a medical examiner. And he said he is in direct cahoots with prominent medical examiners, who have said no he doesn't. And who says he has a doctorate, where he only has a bachelors degree. Also he said he is a professor, but no schools show him as a professor. Now he says he is an unpaid professor, where the school he is said to teach at says they haven't even heard of him. His evidence is the believable one, and the only truth.
  15. Not sure if I liked the midseason finale. Kind of a let down.
  16. phew. satire column. Nothing to see.
  17. Vegan Strip Club. No matter how much T and A, if you are a man, just turn in your man card.
  18. Rupert Murdoch Defends White 'Exodus' Cast and Stirs Twitter Backlash
  19. The Prequels were good, except for Jar Jar, midiclorians, young Anakin Skywalker, whiney old Anakin Skywalker, the whole birth thing, among other things. Although, I thought that Ewen McGregor nailed the Obi Wan roll. Come to think of it, I don't think they even needed episode 2. I'm trying to think what it was about, and just drawing a blank. They should have just started the rise of the empire in Episode 2, and gone really dark in Episode 3.
  20. The George Lucas Special Edition was pretty spot on. Except for the droid part. And there was no jar jar.
  21. My mistake 5-1. Still this would be huge to get some points.
  22. And there is a chance for tonight to be the greatest comeback possibly in Ducks history. Down 5 and now it's 5-4
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