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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Hobbit. Whatever the last one was. It was ok. If you liked the Rings and Hobbit movies, you will probably enjoy this one. I'm not a fan, so it was on par with the Transformer movies, same thing different movie. Although there was lots more action in this one, so that was entertaining.
  2. Officer kills armed 18-year-old near Ferguson If they want to be treated the same, maybe they should stop committing crimes and pointing guns at cops.
  3. I still can't find a place in Los Angeles that's showing it. Nothing on Fandango, nothing on Arclights site, nothing on Rottentomatoes.
  4. ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protests Have Black Students With Failing Grades Demanding A Free Pass Anyone else getting tired of this movement?
  5. As opposed to two war movies and a movie about a degen gambler?
  6. Gnar. Wonder if a Christmas tree got lit up to start it.
  7. While I won't see it on Thursday, I would be willing to go watch it now. Hopefully they will show it in L.A. at multiple locations.
  8. It takes 2 to tango. Sony can want to release it all they want, but if the major theaters won't show it, it won't be shown.
  9. All of the Ducks goalies have been sporting some cool helmets this year.
  10. This could be a nightmare for the industry. It seems no one wants to host it right now. So they may have to resort to a legit torrent site. Which will introduce millions to torrents.
  11. The one i like is the one stealing packages in a Uhaul. That person must have been following the UPS or Fed Ex or USPS truck around. Someone should make a website. Grinches who stole christmas. So that people who had their packages stolen can post videos of the people who did it, and the comments section can go all internet on them and identify them. Put a search feature to see if your neighborhood/neighbor has been grinched.
  12. Alex Ovechkin 15 goals. Matt Beleskey 15 goals. Bet no one saw that one coming. But it was a pretty goal.
  13. I think what Brandon is trying to say is that the files were never online. They were stored properly behind a firewall and secure servers. The hackers got behind the firewalls and into the secure servers. Which is no small feat, unless there was a major security flaw or you had the keys. Which points more likely to a disgruntled employee. Now this should be a lesson to all businesses to not trust firewalls and secure servers, and go one step further and encrypt sesitive documents. It's a pain in the ass since you have to decrypt every time you access it, and it takes up a lot more server space. But for all we know, they also could have been encrypted.
  14. Florida State's Jameis Winston cleared in code of conduct hearing Good news for guys I guess. Once you get them in your room, that's consent. /sarcasm
  15. No details yet. But Police across the nation are going to be jumpy now. Florida police officer killed; suspect in custody
  16. Buy a Hummer. Or spend the money you save on a hummer. Your choice.
  17. LOL at umpires calling anything above the head flat. If I were the other team, I'd be arguing with the Ump too to shut the F up. That's meat city.
  18. I like Craig as the current Bond. Whoever the next bond is, I just hope for once it stays British. And if they are going to diversify, what would everyone think if they made Bond a female?
  19. Well, this is surely going to help. 2 NYC officers dead in ambush shooting in cruiser
  20. Before I take sides on this. I need to know if Fipps had his hands up.
  21. I find it funny the outrage from the talking heads and the celebrity side for Sony pulling the movie. When they were completely silent and didn't look to have a friend in the world when they were getting their guts ripped out of them. I'll actually give Clooney credit, since it did seem like he was trying to rally support before the film was pulled. But he seems to be the only one that was on their side.
  22. And they have that look like how dare you ask me for that. That's why I ask for ranch to really piss them off.
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