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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. So on Teemu night, the score ends 4+4 and a Fin wins it in a shootout. Geeze talk about making it all about Teemu.
  2. I think if ISIS ruled here, there would be no AW.com since everyone would be executed for worshiping a false god.
  3. As long as things like this happen, the perception of difference between extremists and regular peace loving Muslims will continue to be grouped together. You look at governments that are not "extreme", and you find that they are closer to "extreme" than moderate. Egypt student gets 3-year jail term for atheism
  4. https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/nhl-2015-all-stars-announced--who-was-snubbed-233642200.html Am I missing something. Or is Getzlaf the only Duck to the all star game?
  5. I remember back in the day when I was a Freshman, that a senior changed his major to Religion in his second semester senior year. Even I was puzzled by that.
  6. The comments are funny. Especially from the New Yorkers that think if it's not in New York, then it's not any good.
  7. American Sniper. Very entertaining film. Not so much the action, but just the story and character development. And for once the other actors were right. It's down right criminal that Bradley Cooper did not get any preliminary awards show love. He absolutely killed it. And his physical transformation for the role was amazing. Didn't recognize him one bit. Would not be surprised if he wins an Oscar, it was that good of a performance.
  8. My buddy just told me, that his work just moved him to graveyard shift. I told him to quit. He said he can't afford to quit. This is a guy that worked for Fox as an editor for 20 years. Who was looking for a job for about a year. And the only job he could find was at 1/3 his last salary as an entry level. He's been pretty much tapping into his retirement savings to make ends meet.
  9. Now they are saying the chick may have escaped.
  10. Well, different news in countries. Same results. Sky news is second guessing police actions. Mainly about the delay in police action between the sites.
  11. may i suggest for Universal. Take the train. Take the Metrolink (Anaheim station or Irvine station I believe has free parking) to Union Station. Subway/Red Line to Universal and if you want to go full blown tourist, get off at Hollywood and Highland. If you do that, then that opens up most of the OC. you just have to check on Metrolinks hours of operation. I know red line goes till midnight and sometimes later. But Metrolink may not. Newport would probably be the closest beach. Especially if say you spend 2-4 days in the Anaheim area. Of course your other option is spend the first two days at Disney in one of the neighboring hotels, maybe catching a game in the evening. Then spend the rest of the week recouperating at whatever beach rental you want.
  12. not bad if you are staying in Ventura. Sucks if you are going anywhere south. Which would be all of L.A. I guess the question really comes down to since you are looking at Ventura, what do you really want to do when you are down this way? How many Angels games? What other things do you plan on doing? Especially with the SIL and BIL family attending. What they may want to do, and what you want to do may be two very different things. If your Angels games get cut down to one or two, and no Disneyland, then the options would be a lot wider than say a bunch of Angels games, with Disneyland and California Adventure.
  13. Looks like San Diego. Pro hockey to return to San Diego?
  14. That article is just disturbing on so many levels.
  15. This is also quite the scam when it comes to electronics. They say they will match any competitors price by 20% if their price is lower. This is usually at big box stores that make such claims. Well, big box stores buy in such bulk that they are assigned an exclusive model number to the products. Usually it will also have one additional feature listed that others do not have listed. The others still might do that feature, but theirs will be the only one listed. So, if you go in with the cheaper item advertised, they will give you either sorry, but that's model number xyza and ours is xyzb so they are different items or they will say it's not similar because ours does feature a and theirs does not. But in reality, they are exactly the same.
  16. Damn, so you are saying US Intellegence was wrong? Inconceivable!
  17. Guaranteed. Bunch of fine print underneath. Most of the time guaranteed means that it's free of defects. So if it breaks, it's not really guaranteed. insured. Post office insurance specifically. It could take a month to get there. They only insure that it didn't get totally lost or broken. Once you open up a claim, they actually go look for it. If you never file a claim, it could be in the missing persons pile for years.
  18. Also, most young adults have been brainwashed that college is the key to success. Many go, and as a result, have a home mortgage worth of loans to pay off with nothing to show for it.
  19. US intellegence reporting that they have captured 2 gunmen and killed one other. Hopefully the guillotine is ready.
  20. Morning Report: All Eyes on Bryzgalov, Who Starts Tonight vs. Rangers Interesting move.
  21. British police are also unarmed I believe. I think they only become armed after the fact, and not a precursor like in the U.S.
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