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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. gotbeer

    Apple Car?

    Unless every single car were with the driverless technology, which I don't see ever happening, I just don't see this technology as viable. Maybe I'm wrong, but too many things go on on the streets. It would be like flooding the streets with teenagers. Although in closed environments, it could be a good thing. Like warehouses, and large establishments.
  2. Is that why when I get a soda at In N Out I have a bunch of ice left? That's interesting to know, and makes sense. Especially on a hot/warm day.
  3. One day, I expect Stratosphere to do something like this. Either a roller coaster, or a freefall.
  4. Yup. It would also have been nice if we didn't antogonize Russia so much, and let them take care of Syria like they were about to. Instead our POTUS had to get on a soapbox and create a huge problem that now falls on our boots to fix.
  5. No, they are trying too hard to be serious. It really probably would have been a better movie if they made it into a comedy. Let's put it this way. Before the first credits come up on the screen, you are already shaking your head saying WTF just happened. And not in a WTF just happened way of needing to watch the movie a few more times to really grasp WTF just happened. No it's the absolute definition of WTF just happened. Like so not believable. Since hopefully everyone here values their lives, and won't watch this POS. I will summarize the opening scenes. Just so you know how much of a POS this movie is. It starts with Kunis narrating about her parents. How she met him a cold winter nights in Russia somewhere. He was gazing up in the stars with a fancy gold telescope. Freezing his ass off, and still being warmed by what he's seeing in the stars. So the narration goes that it was love at first sight. So far so good. Not that bad of a story. Then it goes to the house. He's looking out at the telescope. And she says how about some attention. Here is some vaseline, rub my very pregnant belly. Yes, there was vaseline involved, in Russia, and yes, it was to rub the belly. But wait, it gets better. Then all of a sudden a bunch of Russians come breaking in, yelling and screaming. All dressed in military garb. Not one, not two, but like half a dozen. And what were these half dozen military style guys there to do? Arrest the father maybe on espionage charges? No, these half dozen well dressed in camo's, acting like a military police force was there to rob the place. And in the process, shoots the father, and what's the only thing they steal. Of course, the telescope. So pan to the next scene, and they show the mother on some boat, being smuggled into the US, while giving birth to Kunis. There you go, I just wasted about 2 minutes of your lives on the POS opening scenes of a POS movie, in hopes that you won't waste 2 hours. Oh, and BTW, except for the telescope, the opening scenes really had no bearing on the entire movie. Zero. And the telescope is even a minor insignificant part of the movie. It doesn't contribute to the plot. it's just there for I guess a link to the dad. In which there is no storyline link at all. Ugg. I still want to shoot myself so I forget I ever saw this movie.
  6. I love sci fi. And yet, there is 2 hours of my life I will never ever get back. Do not watch Jupiter Ascending. If you are a Channing Tatum fan. Do not watch it. If you are a Milas Kunis fan. Do not watch it. If you are dared to watch the movie or wander into ISIS controlled territory with a shirt that depicts mohammed in a negative way, chose to wear the shirt. The golden raspberry is already a guarantee. If you see it on DVD or for rent, don't bother. It might not even be worth the wear and tear on your DVR, even if it's on for free. If I had to make an Angels comparison. It would be like if Arte built a new billion dollar stadium, then picked out a random number of 10 year olds to make up the 25 man roster. The special effects tried to make up for the story. It tried, but only got to the level of Transformers. Hell, I wish I watched a transformers movie instead of this POS. And Transformers movies are POS's. I really really want to shoot myself, so that I can forget I ever saw this movie.
  7. So ISIS is not contained? Arab spring was such a success. We just need Egypt to completely fall, and pretty much all the nations that ousted their government has been replaced by them.
  8. I don't know what George would be more pissed about. The original ad, or the correction.
  9. Yeah, WTF is up with that. Would rather just put in a contact, and some fake prostetics. You know, like they did in the movies.
  10. I just had a Double Double this afternoon in Nates old neighborhood. It was sooooo good. The crunch of the lettuce. The squish of the tomato. The juicy freshness leaking out of it. It was definitely one of those don't bother me, I'm eating moments.
  11. Bigger question. Did Political Correctness kill Mel Brooks creativity?
  12. So you like Yogurt over Apple Pie. I understand, you can't say that you received the apple pie.
  13. So you think every fender bender is ok for people to get out and beat the driver? Then I guess you think this is ok also. Husband: Mom shot teaching daughter to drive may not live
  14. Blazing Saddles for me. Because the Sherriff is near. And he brought Schnitzengruben. Just watch out for the toll road. And if you get kicks from champagne, don't drive. Whatever happens in the commisary stays in the commisary. But no Irish.
  15. Shootings at Cafe and Near Synagogue in Copenhagen All over a damn cartoon.
  16. I never noticed how much articles in Playboy drag on and are boring without pictures.
  17. So, Obama asking for more money to put boots on the ground, and ISIS suddenly close to US advisors. I predict if he doesn't get the green light, these US advisors will suddenly be overrun.
  18. This is just a check on interest. Considering there is no team or arena, or even a guarantee from the NHL that Vegas will get a team yet. 5k in a day in a half isn't that bad.
  19. So we lose a tooth, and no penalty. We lift a stick, then hooking? Bunch of BS.
  20. Minivan did not get rear ended, more sideswiped. The dark SUV on the other had, got the brunt of it. He got propelled through the intersection practically.
  21. Imagine that. Put the big body on the offense to create a turnover. You make a move and juke out the defensemen rush the net, and your teammates follow up the shot and score.
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