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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. I think they said the state uses 38 billion a day. But that's for the entire state. If it's just a few communities water supplies getting hit, then it can be very big deal locally. Especially in the Central Valley, where if you don't have that water, you pretty much go bankrupt.
  2. http://www.nbcbayarea.com/investigations/Waste-Water-from-Oil-Fracking-Injected-into-Clean-Aquifers-282733051.html
  3. The answer is simple. Califonians drive a lot. Hydrogen makes water. Replace all cars by July 2015 with Hydrogen cars. If everyone drove a car that made water, think of all the water in the state!!!! And if you are one of those that insist on any other method of cardom, then increase yearly vehicle registration fees to $20,000 for non hydrogen cars. With that money, we can then truck in more water. It's a surefire plan. Oh, and I want a few billion dollars to make a high speed train that will never get built.
  4. CityDig: This Map Solves the Riddle of the Los Angeles Angels’ 1893 Night Game For you history buffs. Even though it isn't really the Los Angeles Angels that we know.
  5. 'Noncompliance' bars 15-year-old Atlanta boy from heart transplant list Georgia teen who got donated heart dies in crime spree: copsI don't think this is an april fools joke.
  6. Santa Anita Derby looks to be a small field. Dortmund should run away with it. But if One lucky Dane can keep up and tire him out. Cross the Line and Prospect Park might be coming late for the upset.
  7. Actually Brandon. The ticket was from the City of Covina. The dispute I put was through the city police department. They have two police officers dedicated to red light tickets it seems. And when my dad went to get it waived, it was at the courthouse. It was only after then that it went to a company in AZ.
  8. I wonder what is going to happen to those city like I think Glendale that require you to have a green lawn?
  9. My dad got a red light ticket in the mail once. Problem is, it wasn't him. They for some reason matched up his name to the name the car was registered to. So it was registered somewhere in LA, but since my dads name matched, they sent the ticket to him in another part of LA. So called up the police ticketing agency and explained it. They said they would look into it, and sure enough they said there was a mistake. So they said they would go in front of a magistrate and get it cleared. It was like a $150 ticket or something like that. So I think nothing of it. Then 2 months later, he gets a notice that this hasn't been paid. I call the police again, and they said it shows dismissed in the computer. A month later, get another notice that it hasn't been paid. So again call the police, and they say it has been dismissed. My dad decides to go to the court to get it dismissed and the officer prints out a copy of the dismissal. He goes to court, and the court says it was dismissed. A month later, get a collections notice from Arizona. The $150 ticket is now $700. We send them a copy of the dismissal and never heard about it again. Makes me wonder how many people get things dismissed and still pay it.
  10. I liked how Simmons defeated Mockingjay. But the whole non lethal rounds and then goes out and shoots. That might turn Bobbi.
  11. This Pizza Parlor Is Indiana's First Business to Deny Service to LGBT Customers
  12. Looks like Ocho Ocho Ocho went to Keenland for the Blue Grass. I like this move by him. Carpe Diem will be the horse to beat. So hopefully he can squeek out a 1 or 2.
  13. For the price of the guy with a shovel. I could get 12 guys with shovels in the parking lot of Home Depot, they would show up by 8 am, and be done by noon. They would probably also do a better job.
  14. OC Man Charged With Kidnapping, Domestic Battery After Carving His Name on Woman’s Chest
  15. Oh hell no. It would take me an hour to walk down. And there better be a rail that I could cling too, and it would be one step at a time. I do not like heights. Especially heights where the floor is very shaky and the wind is also throwing my balance off. Although it is strange what sets me off, and what I'm fine with. Having dinner at the top of Stratosphere. Fine. Climbing 4 steps on a ladder, not fine.
  16. The ass in me hopes that a team moves to Vegas. Say like the Panthers. Ducks are too deep and would lose too much if an expansion team, or two (since the leagues are now split 16-14) came about and were all subjected to an expansion draft.
  17. Vegas ticket drive moving along Into the corporate phase now.
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