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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Just stories of people that need to be Darwin'd out. SAN FRANCISCO HOMELESS MAN BEATEN WITH METAL ROD; SUSPECT ARRESTED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfvxaoNivDA Video is graphic.
  2. It's 3 days into April. And everyone is still playing spring training games. April 6 will be the first Angels game. April 5, the first MLB game of the season. Just seems odd to me. Come the start of April, I usually expect the MLB season to be in full swing.
  3. Since there seems to be music fans here. New area opening up in vegas. Not sure if this is permanent or just temporary, but it's over 2 weekends. http://rockinrio.com/usa/ http://rockinrio.com/usa/line-up/ /shrug. Have no idea who's who.
  4. That day is also the same day as the Kentucky Derby. Oh, and if you are still up after the fight, you can go watch the opening weekend of Age of Ultron.
  5. Q & A with Simon Despres of the Anaheim Ducks Nothing too earth shattering. Except maybe that Anaheim is a nice place, since it seems from posts I've read it's a dump.
  6. Once or twice a week. Our lawn get's pretty ratty in the summer. In the winter, once maybe twice a week. But usually the rain and dew keep it going. So it's not as ratty.
  7. Bieber will start in one corner. Then end up in the corner of the winner.
  8. On a larger scale. It's just sad that the system we have now, if you don't have money, you are screwed in all aspects of the justice system. From murder, to small claims, to parking tickets. Heck, if a neighbor hates you enough, they could make your life a living hell in the court systems for no reason. Those with money, will always get richer and dominate those that don't have money. Heck, look at how broken the patent system is.
  9. Judge Orders California to Pay for Inmate's Sex Change
  10. Yeah, I agree something needs to be done. In Huntington Beaches case. A Desal plant probably makes more sense. Especially with the power plant? that is now decommissioned on the beach. They have the space and whatnot to do it there. I think LA should do a reclaim along the LA river similar to what OC is doing. Probably have another reclaim around the golf course area on the 101. Sepulveda basin? It would also be nice to have a huge reclaim in the Irwindale area with all those rock quarries. That's a lot of water that comes down the mountain that could be captured. Somewhere along the Rio Hondo river maybe where the 605/60 meet since there is already a reclaim plant there I think.
  11. Police are doing a good job in controlling themselves this year. And are Asians just non existant in Chicago? Or maybe just smart enough that they don't want to live there? LoL. And multivictim shootings. Only Chicago would put hat trick for 3.
  12. I wonder. Historically, I=is the frequency of these types of tragedies occurring more? Or are we just able to get information on these types of tragedies happening more?
  13. That is just mezmorizing. I like the lightning strikes in the plume.
  14. Hooters usually has a $10 per person table reservation fee, at least for PPV UFC and other boxing matches. If you show up on that night, there is no cover, but you more than likely won't get a table since 90% of them are reserved. Might be more for this fight though, I haven't heard how much they are going to charge. But still, 2-4 people at $10 means $60+ in free food and drink. If the cover goes up to $20 still might be worth it.
  15. Problem with desalination plants still take up a shit ton of energy. Think it was in the pee article. But Desal plants cost three times more than a recycling plant, produces 50% less, and costs 2x more in power consumption.
  16. For the price, think I'm going to hooters to watch it. After food and drink, it'll still be cheaper.
  17. WTH Palm Springs. And the how thirsty is you food is kind of misleading. it makes it look like Lettuce Broccoli and Tomatoes are bad. But Usually serving wise, you use very little of a single lettuce or Tomato. Broccoli you probably eat more than one serving. But Almonds, Pistacios, Strawberry, Grapes, and Walnuts you eat quite a bit of. So while a lettuce uses 3.5 gallons, you probably only eat 1/4 of it, so the water you use is less than a gallon. But Pistacios, you can probably eat conservatively 10 at a time, so that's 7.5 gallons.
  18. LOL!!!! http://video.ducks.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=651&id=797530&lang=en&navid=DL|ANA|home
  19. How California golf courses are surviving the drought Good news though. They only use 1% of the states water. And if golf courses are included in the urban water usage figure, means they use 10% of the water that we use.
  20. Al Shabaab storms Kenyan university, 70 killed Same group that attacked the mall.
  21. While I am not a religious person. Maybe this pizza joint should follow suit. And not serve women........j/k Thanks In N Out.
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