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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Gooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
  2. I'll take 2-1 after the first after all those damn brainfarts the team has done.
  3. I don't know. I've seen what happens when Australia gets nuked. Let's just hope Oz has a v8.
  4. We probably spend more on education than any country in the world also. And the results speak for themselves.
  5. Four U.S. cancer charities charged; two settle
  6. Who has better fans? Chicago Blackhawks or Anaheim Ducks? Surprisingly non Duck hating article from the Chicago Times. While I expect some local rah rah, this article was pretty complimentary.
  7. Woman Sues Debt Collector, Wins $83 Million
  8. I saw it in 3D. While it was good. I agree with Rally, the bigger the screen the better. Probably a good sound system would also help.
  9. Also, kind of on this topic, but the city/county/state is trying to get out of the Phoenix Coyote deal. I'm wondering if any of the baseball deals are also in trouble that got city/county/state money.
  10. Am I missing something in the link provided? But the lawsuit seems to be more about in the sample provided, YES (Skank) fans not being able to get YES outside of the area, and thus having to pay for the MLB bundle where they are having to pay for all the games, instead of just the skank games they want to watch. Thus being overcharged since they only want to pay for the skank games, and not the other games. While it seems more like a subscriber driving suit. It sure does have a feeling of say FSW being able to offer FSW on the web, and charge for it on the web. Similar to say HBO going a la cart on the web. So if an out of area Angels fan wants to watch FSW, currently they cannot because of "blackout" rules. Only through the MLB thing where they only get the game. With this suit, it sounds to me, lilke it would open up, so that FSW could then charge directly and show you the game out of market. So you could get all that great other programming about the Angels that barely exists. This would be a huge thing though for Skank fans and possibly Doggie fans. The winners in the above scenarios. Local providers, like FSW, SportsnetLA, YES, etc. Losers would be MLB/NHL for losing whatever subscribers jump to the local providers instead of getting the national package. And this would hurt the NHL more than MLB because frankly, NHL local broadcast pulls crap for income compared to MLB local broadcast rights. But the biggest losers will be the "cable" providers. No longer will it be that sports is what is keeping people from cutting the cord. Because now sports can go streaming. So, it's a win for all of us. And really will be a minimal loss for the Angels. Ducks it might hurt more, but nothing a Cup can't cure.
  11. Fox News pundit Bill O'Reilly reportedly beat his wife in front of his daughter
  12. Did hacker take control of U.S. flight from his seat? Slightly unsettling if true.
  13. Kesler a Center of Attention in Anaheim's Quest for the Cup Rofl.
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