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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Which NHL teams should consider buyouts this summer? Buyouts are gnar.
  2. Depends on what part of the world it is in. They do some crazy shit in some places where vehicle laws are lax. So those photos really don't surprise me.
  3. What is odd about that sign, is the chickens seem to have been added after. Like the draw of dancing and tic tac toe wasn't enough
  4. Dylann Roof confesses to 'race war' massacre at Charleston church, but says he almost backed out: reports Let's hope he really did confess. And if he did, please DA and police, don't **** it up somehow.
  5. I don't think execution is really a cure.
  6. Sci Fi is the king of B, or make that C, ok, maybe more like D movies. They are so bad, that they are good. I'd take a Sci Fi presents flick over an Emmy nominated show anytime.
  7. Not really a meme. But whatever. Zookeepers Tame Animals 'Jurassic World'-Style in 'Prattkeeping' MemeAlthough, one of you creative folks could probably substitute the raptors for the Angels/fans and make it into a meme.
  8. I hate when you are sound asleep. Then a loud noise, or possibly even a noise from your dream since I couldn't find what made it, wakes you up. And you can't fall back asleep.
  9. I would like to issue an apology to ESPN. This Fox coverage has been absolutely horrible. It would help if they showed who was playing and what their number is.
  10. Holy crap. Was able to watch some of the play. Man I thought you guys were exaggerating. That is embarrassing for the USGA at how bad the course looks. It's like the course doesn't have sprinklers, so when the drought hit in Seattle, the course just followed.
  11. Drought versus dollars: California's wealthiest balk at water restrictions
  12. 'You're Hired!': Donald Trump paid actors to attend presidential launch, says Hollywood Reporter
  13. That's because there aren't enough movie theaters to contain the awesomeness of Sharknado.
  14. Pfff. Like it ever rains in Southern California.
  15. 15-year-old Cole Hammer begins his first U.S. Open with tears
  16. What they are already doing with background checks is already some modicum level of safety. What you are suggesting is throwing the doctor/patient confidentiality out the window and letting the government pretty much have free run at anything. It's already bad enough that the Patriot act throws many things out the window already like the Wiretap Act. Hell, Boston already showed that you can be killed if you think about killing a police officer (see Minority Report). How about the war on drugs, and taking kingpins and their cash down. Then the police expanding that so that they can take any cash from anyone for just the inference that it might have something to do with drugs, then making you prove that it wasn't. All the while they don't have to charge you with any crime, they just keep whatever loot they want. How about the war on drugs then expanded to impound rights for DUI's, even if you were found not to be DUI. So no. In no way should the government get a foothold on using psych tests to screen people.
  17. guess the president is in town now. Usually you hear those big helicopters when he is dropping off. This time it was those helicopter planes. Kind of impressive when they are in formation. Never seen them live before.
  18. I think that goes with linens also. If the employees have an incentive for the restaurant to be profitable. Someone might have pointed out that if you wash the linens only when the washing machine is full instead of 3 at a time or half full, or just whenever someone felt like it, it could make a huge difference. Heck, just hitting the medium load instead of always keeping the button on full load can make a difference.
  19. At least we cured you of that addiction of choosing between INO and whatever you were thinking of going to Starbucks to get a snack.
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