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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. So my conclusion about Vegas is this. There are three types of beggars in Vegas. The drug addict homeless dudes/dudettes that are asking for handouts, just sitting there working the guilt factor. The guys in costume, that have no skills that are at least trying to make money by posing for pictures with tourists. And the Mexicans/Hispanics. That are poor, trying to earn a buck. And realizing it's 110 degrees outside, so selling cold water for a reasonable $1 is the way to go. I only tipped one. And the water was good.
  2. United flights resume after computer problem TRADING HAS BEEN HALTED AT THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Coincidence?
  3. Terminator Genisys. Ok, I'm a terminator fan. And they blow up the storyline, but still say that the old storyline does exist. And in all reality, after Terminator 1. I'm glad they blew up the rest. Although terminator salvation had potential if they didn't jump the shark with whatever that cyborg terminator was. They just needed the connor saves reese storyline from the original and it would have been a kickass movie. What I don't understand with the Terminator movies is why they have to keep trying to invent new terminators. Just because mercury man was a hit, doesn't mean they should keep going. Then again the whiny kid just ruined 2 for me, so him getting blown out of the timeline is a good thing. And I didn't even see 3. Overall the movie was a good low expectation one. You see parallels with the original. The Genisys part was a good tie in to what is happening now. Overall, is probably more in line with a cable movie. Unless you are a big fan, probably not worth seeing in the theaters.
  4. United Airlines flights restored after worldwide groundstop 2 hours for a computer glitch. These computers will soon be running autos and probably planes. As shown earlier with the engines shutting off on the one plane. Skynet will evolve into Genisys.
  5. No more vegetarian or turkey clubs for him. Only footlongs with meatballs and extra sauce.
  6. Oh believe me I'd rather taxi it here. Hate driving on or near the strip
  7. Made it to Vegas before the early fireworks show. Accomplished step 2. So far no need for step 3 yet, but the weekend is still young. Oh and it's only 110 here. Don't know how vhf and you Vegas peeps stand it.
  8. And as a third option. What about that guy that sold his company for a few billion recently? I'd like to hear if there are any Ducks fans that don't like him as an owner. Then again, putting $2 billion (1 for the team, 1 for the stadium) probably wouldn't be in his best interest. Unless he wants to do it as an inheritance for his kids.
  9. Disney also learned from their mistakes and gave us the uniform scheme we use today. And let's not forget the Erstad trade they nixed that the baseball people had made that just needed approval. And their payroll was around mid league. Sometimes a bit below, but not bottom tier.
  10. He'll be sitting on the low and outside fastballs and go oppo taco.
  11. I would have to disagree with you on this one. Reason why they sold the Angels and Ducks was at the time, Disney was losing money. Lot's of it. It was to placate the shareholders who were already calling for Eisners head. And if Disney didn't want the Angels as neighbors, they wouldn't have spent some $200+ million renovating the stadium and getting a long term very favorable lease from the city. Sorry claude. Misread the first part of your post. But the second part still stands. Actually the first part might still stand since Disney is in the black again.
  12. Disney. Spending a billion for a new stadium is chump change for them. Then again, there is no money in it for them. So Anaheim would have to sweeten the deal in some way. But considering how much Disney will spend overall, it won't be a problem for CoA as much as it is for Arte.
  13. Canucks Fire Asst Gms and Dir Player Personell Wow. You would think if they were going to be fired, it would be like before the draft and FA'cy period.
  14. Kim Ng. She's a woman. So she should be used to being ignored by all the men.
  15. Wait, we have international slot money? I thought we were tapped out for a few years because we went nuts over that Cuban that wasn't even the best one?
  16. Well, that isn't a recipe for tourists to get robbed often.
  17. At least 38 dead as Philippine ferry capsizes
  18. 'Wow, pulled back wrong throttle:' captain of crashed TransAsia plane
  19. In 24 hours, vacation time in Vegas kicks off. In 25 hours, probably will be drunk. In 26 hours, probably will be arrested.
  20. You want to go old school? In 2002, the iPhone did not exist. Google it started gaining traction. Sexting wasn't around yet. Thomas guide was probably more accurate than Mapquest and there was no Google Maps. Car Infotainment usually started with I Spy. And Chuck had hair.
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