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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. The Last Avro Vulcan Bomber Flying Just Pulled Off An Amazing Stunt
  2. Was he bald, and had pockets full of money? Or was he young, and trying to punk someone while filming it on his nikon camera?
  3. Time for conspiracy theory time. The Republicans are too crowded going into the election. So far, Trump has pissed off Hispanics, and the Military. So is this a Republican party ploy to get Hispanics and the military to flock to the polls? If both go to the polls in record numbers, then maybe it's enough to grab key states away from the typical voters? So, inflame the Hispanics to go and vote in numbers against Trump. Now that they have a rooting interest, then it might carry them over the Dems to the presidency. So the conspiracy is maybe this is a well orchestrated plan to get a Spanish speaker in the White House? And Jeb has been quite quiet while all of this is going on.
  4. Vailidation! Blackhawks say Anaheim was biggest obstacle to Cup
  5. GoPro captures road rage as alleged victim fights back (and wins) That is some crazy eyes.
  6. Aren't commies forced to show their loyalty?
  7. Antman Was much better than I thought it would be. I went into the movie with neutral expectations. It had some good laughs in it. The action was good, but not overwhelming. And they definitely made an effort to tie it into the current Marvel Universe. Overall, if you like the superhero type movies. You will probably enjoy this movie, but it is not a must see in the theaters. Also, this movie really didn't feel like a superhero movie.
  8. Lately, when a chainsaw is used. It is used to awesomeness.
  9. WTF was that truck with tanks thinking. He was bolting down the highway like he didn't give a ****. Then again, that Bus did a great Koreatown 4 lane change while slamming on his breaks. And I'm wondering how many died in that accident. Only saw one person bolt out of there. And 3 were involved.
  10. Trump mocks McCain’s military service: ‘I like people who weren’t captured’ /popcorn
  11. Just amazing what Nasa is able to accomplish if it had some money. I forget what Vgers computer memory was. But I think my bluetooth headphones might have more. Nasa's budget I believe in 2015. $18 billion. Military budget. $599 billion.
  12. Nick Faldo almost pulled out of British Open after injuring hand on ... a deer antler
  13. 3 Doors Down Kicks Man Out of Concert for Pushing Woman
  14. Jet.com was not what I was expecting.
  15. Nice photo. If you are going to Vegas. Lancaster is beautiful this time of the year.
  16. Yes, channel 7 shows smokejumpers telling people to get out of their cars and run.
  17. Man, the footage was pretty gnar. Channel 7 just showed a footage of an area about to go up. Guy with a shovel was trying to fight it. Looked like he was going to get overtaken by the fire. Then all of a sudden a helicopter flies over and does a waterdrop on the guy and the flames approaching him. Might have saved his property although the fire is still approaching his property. Guy owes a blowjob to the helicopter pilots.
  18. Social media justice will eventually win out. Wonder if the parents of the dying teen can sue him for violation of his civil rights, since it was for profit?
  19. Hopefully he doesn't sit on death row for all his life in Colorado, like he would in California.
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