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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. December 25, 2015 release. What can possibly compete against it?
  2. Theater shootings are all a white thing. As long as the blacks are using their second ammendment rights, things should be safe.
  3. Man admits bringing counterfeit chips to poker tournament
  4. Wheaties Teams Up With Brewery to Make Beer Breakfast of Champions!!!
  5. Enough to be felt on the richter scale and seen by weather satteliltes. WTF were they storing that could cause the equivalent of 21 tons of TNT? A few heads will roll because of this.
  6. I must have driven by that section a thousand times. I had no idea there was a park there. I hope those people get hunted down and get the shit kicked out of them. Then made to eat the shit. Then mauled by a pack of wild dogs. Then lit on fire. Then have the fire put out by piss. Then dragged through the streets. Then hung by the balls.
  7. What can make the circus even better? Trump-Ventura 2016? Jesse Ventura would consider it
  8. There was a huge pool of single women available to Luganis also. Must be the water.
  9. Cancer skus. Hopefully he makes a recovery. But at 90, if he can't recover, hopefully he goes quickly and peacefully with no pain.
  10. Lightning, rainbow and cactus align perfectly for photographer
  11. Chuck needs to participate more in the Hangout, Political, NHL, InO, and other forums. Heck, a few minutes in the After Dark forum, and you will feel much better.
  12. Affluenza. Stop hating on such a horrific disease.
  13. Ducks, Kings' new farm teams to wage preseason tilt in Anaheim
  14. Ducks, Kings' new farm teams to wage preseason tilt in Anaheim
  15. AO bans himself, and all hell breaks loose.
  16. What an offensive name. I don't know one fig that is Irish.
  17. US military official: 'We were outraged' when Turkey pulled a fast one right after the anti-ISIS deal
  18. So was this a training session? Just sounds like if someone was going to be a sexual predator, the workshop just gave them a wealth of information.
  19. They are having problems cross referencing who are Americans, and who are illegal. It's tough for a cities like San Francisco to be sure.
  20. Ducks announced a new third jersey this season. They are being real hush hush about it. Will be revealed October 16th. Ducks to reveal new 3rd jersey in OctoberWill they go back to the original shield?
  21. Does AO have a Twitter feed? That would probably be the one thing that would want me to get twitter.
  22. I think you have to give it a few points. The wicked witch in white did land in the street. Of course the car will probably fall on the other witch in Oz.
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