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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Dang, what just happened. Everything is in the red again. China -6.88%. Japan -3.51%. HK -0.69%
  2. China is continuing the trend. Down 5%. Good news is Japan is bouncing back to 1.75% down, and Hong Kong is only down -0.34%.
  3. IndyCar driver Justin Wilson dies RIP.
  4. Japan started down about 3%. We'll see how HK and China do.
  5. Dear Anaheim Ducks, Bring Back The Bear Brass Thoughts? Corey, I guess you would know more about them than anyone since you go to more games.
  6. One other thing Chuck. If I remember right, you had a smartwatch at summer fanfest. Depending on what that smartwatch was may affect what phone you want. Many Samsung watches are only usuable on Samsung phones. The gear fit I had was one such one. Luckily I bought it used and sold it for what I paid for it. So I'd research your watch, and make sure that it is compatible with whatever you are going to buy. Or look into selling it and getting a compatible one.
  7. Last 2 hours of trading has been crazy. Like the Angels season so far.
  8. I have the LG4. Pros. Swappable batteries. mini sd card up to 128 gb now. In the future up to 2 tb. Camera is good, I just used auto on the summer fanfest pics. Although from using a iphone camera, I did notice that there is a longer lag on the LG in taking the picture. But the pictures that come out are fantastic. Not as much bloat like on Samsung phones. It has 5.1, and is supposed to get marshmellow. It charges fairly quick. Quickcircle case with qi works fine. I just wish they had a cheap non flip official qi case. But I would recommend getting qi charging for it. Charging the battery seperately seems to take longer than if charging via the phone. Apps work fine. I really don't use much stock apps on the phone. Cons. Thing I have been noticing recently, and I'm not sure if it's a Tmobile thing, or a android thing. But some apps have issues when wifi and 4g is turned on. Like Simpsons. I can only use it on wifi or 4g, but not when both are on. Battery life will vary. I play lots of games on it, so can lose 20% a game. Usually when I'm out and about, I will need to swap out at least one battery, sometimes 2 batteries in a day. If your phone is searching for a wifi signal, I've seen the battery get sapped quickly. Only comes in 32 gb. The SD is supposed to make up for only coming in one size. And if you do go with the LG, spend the extra and buy a good sd card. Screen can get hard to see. Especially in sunlight. It's not as bright and vibrant as in the Samsung. In standard light, indoors, it looks fine. IMO, it comes down to how much value you put in swappable batteries and expanded sd cards. If those two are very important features like I place them, then I think the LG4 is the only way to go.
  9. Pokemon Geeks Bring Guns To Championship: Cops
  10. Poor Chuck. He just wanted to be loved. Then some vulture comes in and hits the rebound before the corpse is even cold.
  11. So you guys are more knowledgable than I am in this stuff. Will this reverberate into like Housing prices and employment? In 2009 or whenever it was, it pretty much took out everything, and finally looked stable in the last few years.
  12. Yeah, I'll say. All those guys in hats must feel really stupid.
  13. Reading some of the stories that are coming out. Looks like a Brit, Frenchman, and the 3 Americans. And France doesn't F around either. Looks like all 5 got the nations highest honor, Medal of Legion?. Just curious, but I wonder if the two military guys get to wear that on their dress uniforms?
  14. Oh shit. The Asian stocks are tanking on Monday. Currently, Nikkei is down 3.33%, China is down 4.64%.
  15. It was when I was visiting in West Virginia. From what i remember, it was a lot shorter than the backstop. But the whole goal of the nets wasn't to protect fans from foul balls, more than to protect them from line drives. So if you go all math and say at max, the swing will be 5 feet off the ground, line drive to protect the fans, probably doesn't have to be more than 10-15 feet from ground level? And considering the stands are already elevated a few feet, with the dugouts probably 3-4 feet above that. Might not need more than 5-6 feet of netting. And while Angels stadium might not need the netting. There are stadiums like Boston and Chicago that are probably closer to the action than the minor league parks that have them. It'll be a trade off, but I think if MLB has it in some, they will mandate it be in all.
  16. When I went to a minor league park that had nets. It's not that high at all. About half the height of the net behind the plate, might even be lower than that. And it didn't go down all the way down the line. It stopped at or a bit past the end of the dugouts, kind of where the infield stops.
  17. You forgot about walking into the parking lot with a bunch of gang types around your car and shooting them. And no calling Jeter names.
  18. Just a bad few weeks for the storage industry. Explosion Hits Chemical Plant In East China Pentagon confirms blast at US military post in Japan
  19. If I remember right, it was just supposed to be a 3 hour tour. But ended up being 40 days and 40 nights to do the thing.
  20. Happy 61st birthday. It's been 61 years since the military's most versatile plane had its first flight
  21. Hard to be urgent with so many pages in the book.
  22. Those seem pretty tame. I'm wondering if Fuk Mi is an Austin Powers fan. Tandoori and Pu Pu are dishes I believe. And the Dicks are just well trying to be funny I guess. Cabbage and Condoms on the other hand. That's just weird.
  23. Trump says tax code is letting hedge funds 'get away with murder' I must have done the thing too much. This actually makes sense.
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