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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Going the penny pinching route. What does everyone think of Brock Holt of the Red Sox. He's in year 2 of his experience. In the minors he played ss and 2b primarily. But 2b for the Red Sox is PEDroiza land, so they pretty much had him as a platooner where he's played 7 postions this year. He has very little power .370 MLB SLG, .410 minor league slugging. He has some speed, 21/3 SB/CS in the MLB and 64/33 in the minors. At least it seems he has enough speed where he won't get in the way. Here is what I like about him. At the MLB level, .335 OBP in 2 seasons. At the minor league level, .372 OBP over 6 seasons. This is what a boston site says about him. The problem with Brock Holt's trade value The big thing will be trade value. I know he won't cost anything close to what a Gordon would cost. I don't even think he will cost as much as the Boston site thinks. For the Angels, it might fill 2b, and leadoff and maybe become like an Eckstein type player?
  2. Yes, that was part of his video.
  3. Unfortunately, Gordon has 3 years till FA'cy. So it will cost quite a bit to get him, if he's even available for trade.
  4. But AO, you can't play the game with 9 players. And in 2017, we only have 3 players inked for $55 million. We also have a lot of arbitration guys. So no matter how much we clear, it will get used up quick. And until we don't have a ceiling of the luxury tax, I have a bad feeling we will be spinning our wheels while we have the best player in Baseball.
  5. Grats Adam. Now that you have no use for it. Don't go all Caitlyn on us now.
  6. Damn you Vegas. Kevin Rowand will now give me nightmares.
  7. That is actually an interesting thought now. Teams will now know, with Heaney, he will now be a top price hired hand now. Doesn't matter the team. Top dollar is where he will go. Because the "investors" will want top dollar. So now, instead of knowing that a Boras client will probably be looking for top dollar. Now you will have all these "investors" looking for top dollar. Then again. What would happen if say all the "investors" were Wall Street types and Yankee fans. As an "investor" would you steer him towards signing for the Yankees. Or does Heaney have all say in regards to how much and where he plays?
  8. Is it a bad idea? While I'm high on Heaney. The $3.34 million means he will only be and idoit if he makes more than $33.4 million over his lifetime. Even if he makes $60 million over a career, he would only lose $2.66 million. $100 million, he would only lose $6.66 million. Chances are he will make the over. But look at Shoemaker last year and you would have thought the same thing.
  9. gotbeer


    Yeah, if it was vista. Might be better off going to xp maybe 7.
  10. Irvine next on Google Fiber's high-speed Internet expansion plan
  11. One of the neatest rumors I heard about the new iPhones. And I'm not sure if this isn't going to be a software thing updated to all iPhones. If you take a picture. It actually will be a 1.5 second long picture. In reality it's going to be a gif disguised as a picture. But if you look at you photo. Say a picture of a lake or the ocean or even a person. When you view the picture on the iPhone, not sure how it's activated, the picture will simulate motion. It's actually quite a neat idea. Although storage will be eaten up like crazy.
  12. That should be a Hangouts stickied thread. Random Photos that you took. Although Red would probably shut us all down with his photos.
  13. gotbeer


    Man red. Too bad you wiped it. You should have downloaded one of those undelete programs. Installed it using a USB, and see what types of things that person was downloading to cause so many virus/malwares. lol. It would depend on the processor for 32 vs 64 bit installation. I'm not familiar at all with Ubuntu, but the conflicts might be with that. Most laptop are built with Windows specs in mind. If you want to go back to win 8/10, I'd do a clean install. Again, depending on how old the laptop is, it might be an issue with that. Might have been an xp or lower machine that they thought would be a good idea to upgrade to win 8.
  14. I believe it is. The clause is pretty much to prevent teams from making a qualifying offer. In Cespedes case, if he didn't have a breakout year, he could have been in that middle ground hell. Now I don't know about whether or not the Mets can sign him till May 1. I thought that was taken out of the CBA.
  15. This one is a tough one. When someone that is 10 feet away. Points to you and says he's the accomplice. Police should take them down. But when the officer did not reported. Then that's a problem. Also, Bratton did not help the situation out, or maybe the news isn't reporting it. But when Bratton says they look like twins. It would help if they released the photo of the intended victim, since I'm sure they have a mugshot.
  16. Cespedes would look good in the Angels lineup batting cleanup between Trout and Pujols. (Yes moving Pujols to 5th in the lineup) And would make for one scary outfield. But Arte will first have to agree to blow up the Luxury Tax. In which there are no indications so far that he is willing to do. If you make that move, I think you can have a few growing pain years for Cowart at 3B, since he would be around a 8/9 hitter. That would leave C and 2B. It would be nice to get a leadoff hitter type 2B and a pure defensive C . Heyward is good. But I don't think he's a #4 type hitter. More of a #2/3 type. In which Calhoun and Trout should fill that roll. And is Heyward good enough to supplant Pujols from #4 like Cespedes can? If he cannot supplant Pujols, then I think it would be a wasted signing. Other problem will be I think to get Cespedes, you have to look at a shorter Stanton type deal. It'll be an interesting offseason. With lots of AO yelling.
  17. Hahahahhaha. Oh and MT, don't feel bad. I had to google it. Man, who says you can't learn something new from message boards.
  18. https://clyp.it/jrvdzhrw This is the raw flight control chatter. Just amazing.
  19. So, what would have happened to that plane if that catastrophic engine failure happened if the plane just left the ground? Just curious how bad it would have been if the engine failed just 2 minutes later.
  20. I call bullshit. If Trump wins, it'll be American.
  21. British Airways plane catches fire at Las Vegas airport; 13 injured Listening to clips of the airtraffic chattI think with the bigger airlines, you can hear the professionalism in the pilots. I have to believe that it's not an easy thing to deal with an emergency on takeoff, try to stop safely, radio in, and initiate emergency procedures.
  22. I hate family sometimes. There is an In N Out burger across the street. And they would rather go to Jack in the Box since they have a coupon. This just proves. ISIS will win.
  23. Fake weddings and a honeymoon in Vegas; dad-daughter duo arrested in green card marriage schemes
  24. Of course he is a Cy Young killer. It's only percentages, since every pitcher that pitches against the Angels seems to have gone through the indian burial ground and has taken on the ghost of Cy Young.
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