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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. In the early 2000's. The mindset was if we didn't win the World Series, it was a disappointment. Then in the late 00's, it was if we don't make the playoffs it's a disappointment. Seems like the teen years is I hope we make the playoffs. The teams expectations are getting lower and lower. I hope we don't get to the point of unless we break 81-81 it will be a disappointment. So nice for the Ducks to be starting up. Because if they don't win the Stanley Cup, it will be a disappointment.
  2. I'll wait to pass judgement after this offseason. Nothing to improve this team means either Sosh is in charge, or Moreno's pocketbook is in charge. Really he could go either way. And I hope it's not 4th or 5th place.
  3. I am too. Might be the only game I go to since I'm poor. Cory hook us up with a group section. Actually, I'm going to try and get there early and beat the LA traffic. So probably will have an early dinner that ways beforehand.
  4. I'd get a hint Nate. Also, didn't you have Tmobile at some point in the last 2 years?
  5. Scottrade hacked, customer data stolen For those that use them to trade your stocks.
  6. Anaheim Ducks Nick Ritchie, LW They're Looking For? Nice that they think so highly of him.
  7. What people in 1900 thought the year 2000 would look like It's interesting, and really in a way accurate. Pic 1. Rhomba (sp) pic 2. John Deer Tractor pic 3. industrial incubator pic 4. rv pic 5. ok closest I can come up with is the Floozy or whatever that vacuum cleaner haircut thing was. pic 6. I got nothing. pic 7. are there machines that make clothes? Or do we still rely on third world slave labor? pic 8, movies pic 9. Rosetta Stone? pic 10. helicopter pic 11. hindenberg pic 12. airplane. there are kit's like the glider types that look similar. pic 13. I'm thinking drones. pic 14. how about a jetpack pic 15. jetpack again, but how about the modern ladders on firetrucks. pic 16. not sure why you want to steal eggs. But handgliders? pic 17. fighter/bombers pic 18. tanks/humvees rest. SCUBA
  8. Raffi Torres earns match penalty vs. Ducks, faces another suspension (Video)Hope he gets 30 games. Way to represent the "A" on a team.
  9. And yet, it's still less deaths than was murdered in Chicago.
  10. Call it a day once you get to 3000 hits. Then go back to Japan and be a god, and come back in 5 years to get your seat in the hall.
  11. So does anyone have any reservations about the team going into the season? Because right now, I feel if they don't get a big silver cup at the end of the season, it's a disappointment.
  12. So you are telling me that wasn't a X marks the spot on that building but a red cross?
  13. Martian. Was a solid movie. Wasn't over the top. Wasn't in your face. Just a movie you could sit back and enjoy. Although I wonder if the book pandered to the Chinese like the movie?
  14. Louisville investigating new book's damaging sexual allegations involving basketball team Nothing to see here. It's a major east coast University. They will be penalized one scholarship, that will be suspended due to good behavior.
  15. Hahahaha. I've been to Vegas too often. It is from the Largest Souvenier (sp) Shop in the World.
  16. That looks like the billboard for the Largest Souvenier (sp) Shop in the World. Dammit, VHF, golden opportunity to take a photo live.
  17. Los Angeles waterfront gets help from Gov. Jerry Brown Talk about opening a can of worms to abuse.
  18. Anaheim Ducks Place Korbinian Holzer On Waivers
  19. And if I was the brother of any one of those girls.....I'd be trying to bang sis friends.
  20. It's some kind of Kardashian thing. So yeah, it's a porn thing.
  21. Wait till about 2 am tonight. Then return the avocado through the window of the market.
  22. gotbeer

    Samsung Pay

    Problem is that the pin never changes and neither does the card. So if someone skims both, you are screwed. A lot of gaming and even banking online uses a unique code sent to you that is only valid for a minute. Of course if someone steals your phone and CC, you may be as screwed as if someone skimmed and recorded your pin number. And Nate can tell you. Something you are can be a pain since it never changes. And well, some 15 million government employees got that part stolen.
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