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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Greinke will be offered around the 5/$125 by the Dogs. If he doesn't take it then there is always plan B for them.
  2. After Pujols did his, they made it so you can't anymore. I believe.
  3. Or CC when he opted out. CC opted out of 4/$92. CC then got a 5/$122. Greinke opted out of 3/$71. Probably looking for around a 5/$125, which would put him at 36/37 at the end of his contract. Someone will pay the man his money.
  4. Target is gonna get sued by that family for emotional trauma. LOL
  5. At some point you have to get worried. And that time is getting closer and closer for me. There just doesn't seem to be any urgency.
  6. Forgot, today is the third jersey reveal day. Hope they made some changes from the leaked photos.
  7. Texan Who Filmed 'Knockout' Of Elderly Black Man Is Going To Prison This doesn't belong in the Random links thread. Time to revive this one.
  8. More firings coming? Because that statement isn't a ringing endorsement that all the remaining coaches are coming back.
  9. I loved it. And I think if you look at it as just an at bat and home run, you are selling yourself short. This bat flip was much more than that. This is about some weird rule where a catcher throws the ball back to the pitcher, hits a bat, and is considered a live ball. This is about the umps awarding a player home. This is about the fans in the stadium and probably a city about to riot. This is about a perceived injustice and the them against us mentality with the umps in their pocket. I saw this as more of a Jobu moment than anything else. You want to screw us out of our chance ump, well **** you, I will make it so you have no chance. Booya. Suck it blue.
  10. That was great. What was missing was America's pasttime, no no, baseball isn't america's pasttime anymore. Now it's football. And go off on how it's touch football.
  11. Such a classic movie. And I still have one of those staplers.
  12. Sign of alien life? Kepler telescope spots strange star
  13. 1 World Series win/appearance in 16 years. There are 15 teams in the AL. Pretty much a top 10 payroll in the MLB. As the years go by. 2002 seems more and more like a fluke.
  14. He looks like the easiest way to put him on tilt is to open up a bag of Doritos, and ask him questions about World of Warcraft.
  15. Dogs only retire numbers that are in the Hall of Fame. That's why Garvey's 6 is still used.
  16. 300 million well spent. Mattingly won't survive this one.
  17. That is very cool of him. Who was the player, I think on the Angels, that used to play catch with a random fan in the stands during warmups.
  18. So true. I say we deport any immigrant who took a job in this country and kick out their children too. I know the perfect family to start this pilot program on.
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