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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Caddieshack 2 is one of those movies that's like saying the name Voldermort. You shouldn't even say it's name even though it exists. And it will only bring death and destruction.
  2. Apple sued over iOS 9's eagerness to chew up cellular data
  3. Netflix Is Being Sued For Illegally Streaming This Classic FilmCopyrighting is so weird.
  4. I just looked at the standings. The Ducks have scored at least 10 fewer goals, than the rest of the entire league. We are at 6 goals scored. The rest of the league's lowest is 16.
  5. Not really MLB. But Yikes. Japanese players betting on baseball constitutes betrayal of fans
  6. Britain's Tony Blair: Iraq war contributed to rise of IS
  7. Someone should tell the Owner of the Love Ranch the legal ramifications for I don't know, having everyone including himself divulge everything, after a confidentiality agreement is signed. The Kardashians have the money where they will counter sue for breach of contract and make that $79k look like pennies.
  8. Ok, this guy was fringe before. But now he definitely belongs. Police: Man who taped in crashed car tried to bribe driver
  9. Why '5+5+5=15' is wrong under the Common Core
  10. Invasion of the Indian Nation has begun. But really, does the DEA have a right to do that on Indian land? Because in California, it's a bitch sometimes to even execute a warrant on indian land.
  11. Yeah, I think it would be easier if they just leveled the city, thus kicking everyone out, and rebuilding from scratch. Although one of the last scenes where the tank fired, and you immediately saw an explosion about a mile away was kind of cool.
  12. Haha. There is an actually an article out on the interwebs about hookers in movies (with hearts of gold) Our 10 Favorite Movie Hookers (With Hearts of Gold!)
  13. Don't forget about True Lies. But that was a housewife made to become a hooker, who's husband was an international spy.
  14. Red Dawn was great back in the day of Rooskies.
  15. Just a thought here. But maybe Bruce only knows how to do a grinding style of play? Maybe a quick tempo, with high skill players is not up his wheelhouse. Because the skill of the players is there. Before the season started, on paper, this looks like an amazing team. Hell, most everyone had us reaching the finals if not winning the cup.
  16. It's even going to get worse in Glendale. Because now the Glendale HoA will no longer be able to block people ripping out their lawns.
  17. Jupiter Ascending. If you haven't seen it, even on cable and you are bored and the choices are watching it or putting your dick through a meat grinder, chose the meat grinder. If and if you have seen it, that's 2 hours of your life you will never ever get back.
  18. Flyers player collapses on bench after taking elbow to the head Scary stuff. Nothing like Torres deliberate hit. Looked like an accident.
  19. I think he is a total wack job. But Tom Cruise still makes solid movies. Oblivion didn't rate high, and Edge of Tomorrow got high reviews but not many saw it.
  20. 83% on Rotten tomatoes. So 17% of the critics were stupid. But still that's a solid score, so I don't think this movie qualifies.
  21. I really want to see the resume. It sounds epic.
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