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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. And just a bit less than AW.com....forums. You know you are bad, when Yahoo has more reputable breaking stories than your news station. Well except for the info from terrorists.
  2. So close to having a loriasucks moment there.
  3. Needed that win. But if we lose Fowler for any period of time, it's going to hurt.
  4. This Date In Transactions History: Mo Vaughn
  5. This sounds dirty. I'm intrigued.
  6. This is the way I look at it. PP and PK were crap. So they hired a new coach. PP is still the same as last season. PK went from 15th at a 81% clip to 1 and a 87.7% clip. I think Bruce was given a very good team (hell most predicted they would win the SC, so you cant say the talent isn't there), but does not know how to make the proper adjustments. He is good at the dump in and crash and stuff. But it's like you are trying to make the team that style, when teams just aren't playing that way anymore. And this team really isn't made that way too. When I see our team on offense, it's like the opposition is ready for the style, and are just setting up a prevent defense to counter it. You pretty much have one guy cover the crasher, 2 guys cover the guys on boards at the point where the puck will eventually get out. 2 guys cover up the middle for the hail mary pass. You just covered the Ducks offensive playbook. Oh, and just wait for the defenseman to come down and help and get ready for the hail mary 2 on 1 break.
  7. No shit! Getzlaf feels he’s let the Ducks down
  8. Let's put it this way. You know the cafeteria at Santa Anita. There was a line 20 deep just to get in. And yet, if you knew there was another entrance, no line. For live tellers, it was about 25 deep all day. Luckily there were lots of machines, and if you just looked, they had some in odd places that was only about 3 deep. Drinks were a constant 20-30 minute wait. Looked like the parking lot was completely full. So if it's anything like Breeders Cup day, it would take an hour+ to get out of there. When I was getting in, turf club vallet was backed up about 20 cars long. It really did remind me of a Breeders Cup day, with the amount of people.
  9. It was miserable there. Lines for everything were through the roof. I left before the 8th race it was that bad.
  10. Oh yeah, and Private Ryan 17? What? Even Duel at 13 was too high.
  11. We Ranked All 29 Steven Spielberg Movies, from Worst to Best Interesting. Lot's of great movies. I don't agree with the order though. 1-3 ok, after that 4 maybe but Close Encounters 6? Did not know that the kid in Empire of the Sun was Christian Bale.
  12. Go to the track dude! You have my numbers. I'm playing hte handicapping challenge tomorrow. I like a few odd choices. Race 1. 1, 2, or 3. I'm leaning towards the 3. But the 1 is a possibility. And the 2 fits perfect for Chantels return Race 2. 5 Gamblers Wish. Man as name goes, it's perfect for us degens. But moving down in class is big. Race 3. 9 Quickley's corner. Drayden getting off a horse to get on this one. Trained by Proctor. This horse should be ready and at 8/1. If you get an overlay, run. Race 4. My buddy likes the 9 12 Race 5. 6 Weirdhaircut Seth. Desourmoux/Hess combo is pretty good. RAce 6. 10 Om looks good. my buddy likes the 2 Perfectly Majestic as a Ls Watch out for 8 Ike Walker. Won the last 3. Victor is on it. 20/1......Really? This could be the monthmaker if it gets overlaid. Race 7. 3 Cavorting. Ortiz coming and this is the horse he is coming out for. Race 8. 2 marking. Just because it's mark. But also because Lezcno came out to ride him. My buddy likes 5 El Kabir as a longshot. 4 Runhappy should win it. But that BS of changing trainers after a BC win, and the slight layoff. Signs are there for an upset. So probably means he wins by 10 lengths. Race 9. Buddy likes 13 then the 2 as a Longshot. I am leaning towards the 4. Only horse moving down in class. Japanese horse, so automatically is better than everyone. A Deep Impact horse. For the handicap challenge, Win/Place. Playing the following: Race 2: 5 Gambers Wish 10/1 Race 3: 9 Quigley's corner 8/1 Race 5: 6 Wierdhaircut Seth 5/1 Race 6: 8 Ike Walker 20/1 Race 7: 3 Cavorting 5/2
  13. Grats. With 8 minutes to spare. Now what did the instructions say the assembly time was?
  14. Yeah, give Jodi a break. Does Whole Foods even sell good booze like Trader Joes?
  15. Is it just me. But when I think of top of the line stuff like this. Too much skin was exposed. no really. Maybe I'm thinking too much of space program stuff. But I'd think top of the line military would be similar conditions, no?
  16. I did. But I got this weird L shapped thing with 6 screws.
  17. I decided I wanted to get back into playing golf. So I treated myself to some used clubs. Yeah, I'm poor. But for $700, I got a pretty kick ass set that even Tank would probably think wasn't bad.
  18. Adam would never throw a hammer and duct tape.
  19. ISIS Threatens To Kidnap Iraq’s Beauty Queen
  20. It would be better, if your wife posted the play by play with pics. Some possible posts she would make. Now they have a hammer. Why do they have a hammer? Last spring is about to go in. Might as well dial 91 to save me some time. Should I tell them the trampoline mat is inside out?
  21. Just like the Angels, Adam doesn't believe in advanced scouting reports. Those pieces of papers that came with the Trampoline are just suggestions. He'll just go with what looks right.
  22. What was the over under on bandages used?
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